What Kind

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You left her bleeding and broken.

You ripped her heart out of its chest like it was some kind of token.

You left her sitting alone in a dark room, crying.

You gave up on all of us without even trying.

What kind of dad can leave his children?

What kind of dad can say he'll try with all his might, then

just quit before he even started?

What kind of person can be parted

from their family without a second glance?

What kind of person are you that didn't even want a second chance?

What kind of human are you that you could abandon

your family? Was there even a reason?

The rest of the kids had already grown up and moved out long ago, but I was left to pick up the pieces you destroyed.

I had to put my family back together again. So yeah, you could say I'm a little annoyed.

I want the hours I spent holding my sister as she cried back.

I want back the years I had to be the alpha of the pack.

I just wanted to be a kid, but I had to (wo)man up and be the one to take control.

But you didn't stay around long enough to see that it took a toll.

I was left without parents when my mom went insane.

What could you have had to gain

from leaving me with a crazy mother?

I owe you nothing, yet here I am writing this to explain

the pain

you caused on all of us. 

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