Chapter one

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"Amera wake up"!!!

"Just a minute mom" my voice sounded as I feebly opened my eyes which closed immediately as I noticed the blinding lights.

"Okay, whenever you're ready come on down, I've made you some breakfast.

At that moment my tummy rolled as if it had been listening to what mom had to say.

Getting up I walked to my bathroom and looked at my reflection in the mirror. My shoulder length golden brown hair looked a mess as usual.
There were deep bags under my eyes caused by the stress of having my daily schedule over packed and hardly having time for sleep.

I lived with my mom and two siblings, both younger. My brother is fourteen while my sister is a year younger.
Both took after my dad, having dark brown hair with hazel eyes. Their complexion was rosie and beaming contrasting to me who seems pale all year round.
My sister is beautiful, over the years, back when dad was here, we'd occasionally set her up for pageants and beauty shows but now that's all distant memories.

I brushed my teeth and then walk into the shower. The water was so cold but I'm use to it by now.
It was an early Monday morning and I had to go to school by seven.

After taking a bath and wrapping myself in a towel I walked to my room to decide on outfits to wear.
I don't own much clothes, when mom finds herself with just enough cash, she would buy us clothes that were either soiled or worn out.

I gladly took them whenever she gave us because I badly needed them and also  because she had always taught us to be grateful  no matter how small it was.

I put on my knee length black skirt and a white button front shirt that was beginning to turn cream, with my black flats.

I got dressed and went to wake my
siblings up.

First, I slowly cajoled Jessica who twist and turn in her sleep but I was determined to get her up.
As she started to close her eyes a slap landed on her butt, that always seemed to do the trick.

Slowly I walked over to John and repeated my actions.
He gave in sooner than thought as I heaved a sigh of relief.

"Go get ready for school" and with that I left their room and walk towards the kitchen.

Mom had laid out two sandwiches for me.
One was for now and the other for lunch as we couldn't afford to purchase lunch at the canteen.

One look at the clock and realization hit me, I had only about two minutes before the bus would arrive at my house. Grabbing the brown bag , I ran out immediately as if the devil was chasing me.

As I stood at my gate and looked down the street I saw the familiar yellow bus coming up at a slow pace then stopped at my feet.

Walking in I stopped at the front and said hello to Gus, the driver, he was fat and always seemed to be eating Donuts.

After the bus drove off, I sat in my seat while students all around me began to chatter about their relationships and amazing lives.
Funny enough, I can't relate, I've never been kissed before,neither have I ever done anything besides serving meals.
Never have I ever been to the movies either.

My life was sad, then I began contemplating, putting myself in Linda's shoe, who seem all too happy to share how she got shagged by Mark behind the gym last night.

Sighing I cleared the thoughts out of my head, I can only fantasise nothing more.

The bus had a few more stops to make and my favorite stop was just a block away, Gus was going to pick up my best friend Eddie.

Eddie was plump with flush lips that always has a broad smile which always seem to get broader when he sees me.

On entering the bus he says something to Gus then walks up and sits beside me. Taking off his glasses he turns to me and say, hello Mia ! The one nickname I actually like.

While giving him a kiss on the cheek and a pat on his arm I grab his glasses and put them on.
We were always playing and messing with each other. At school we were the geeks and jocks always picked on us.

"If it ain't the stupidest of the stupider types of ..." Marcus started, but stop upon being unable to complete the stupidest sentence I ever heard.

Smiling I turn back to Ed, who now had a grin on his face.

The bus stop at the school gate and we all exit, walking I saw a group of teenagers seated in two convertible Benz chattering away, these were the kids people like me knew all too well to avoid.

"Hey pizza girl, come lemme tip you a dollar" one girl said.

"Hey fatso", Evan, the football captain says and looks to his friends for a few laughs.

Getting red in the face I walk up to him and ask, "what the fuck did you just call my best friend?"

"I called him A fat fuck, and what are you gonna do about it?"

Balling my hand into a fist and as I'm ready to charge Eddie pulls me back.

"Let's go Mia".

"Yeah, you better hold her Fat Albert", Niecy, one of Evan's sluts roar and her crew erupts into laughter.

Deciding they ain't worth it, we slowly walk away.

Evan has been picking on us since first year and that was like three years ago.

I didn't mind the discrimination that came my way because I was used to it but don't fuck with Eddie !

I'll fuck a Bitch up for him !

"Mia, I hope you aren't thinking about these people, they're just jealous because we're smarter than them".

"Ed, come on, I'm tired of their bullshit we need to take a stand and defend ourselves"! "You either with me or against me".

Sighing, Eddie nodded at me.

Eddie had English for first period while I had Biology in the laboratory.

So we had to separate before we both were late for class, leaving Ed was always a weakness for me knowing what the kids did to him.

"See you after class Ed" I shouted over the loud chatter in the hall as I ran to class, on my way I saw Niecy place her foot in my way but being a step ahead of her I used it to my advantage and made her fall instead.

As she got up and reached for me, Ms. Williams , my math teacher intervened and rushed them off to class.

The glares I got from her friends made me shutter knowing exactly what would happen later. I was gonna get a beat down.

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