Chapter 3

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 The house in Malibu is nothing like our old home in Hawaii. In Hawaii, our house was old and had paint peeling about every place you looked. It was a two-story, three bedroom house. If you looked at that house it seemed as though it would fall apart any second. Like I said, the Malibu house is nothing like it.

                This house was huge. Just standing in the front lawn I could tell that I was going to have no problem living here. Standing three stories tall, on a small cliff above the ocean, it reminded me of some place Kai would live. “Well are you two going to just stand there drooling over the house or are you going to go check it out?” My dad laughed to himself at the joke he made.

                Deciding that we could grab our things later, Liam and I made a run towards the front door. The inside was huge. There was a giant living room right in front of us, already stalked with furniture and a 60-inch flat screen television. To the left was a kitchen that could store a year supply of food, and to the right was what looked like a games room. It was fully stocked with air hockey, foosball, pinball, and a pool table.

                If you look past the living room, there are glass windows on the whole back side over-looking the pool. The pool was huge too! It went over the side of the 20-foot cliff, which if you were looking up at would probably seem like a waterfall. Just when I was wondering how we were going to get down to the ocean my dad came up between Liam and I.

                “To get down to the ocean there are stairs in front of the showers,” He told us pointing to the descending staircase as if he were reading my mind. “And so we don’t have to carry down the boards, there’s a shack down there to store all of our surf stuff.”

                Man this is sick! This move keeps getting better and better. I don’t know how my dad afforded all of this, but I didn’t think to question it. I just wanted to move in to my room, get my board shorts on, and go down to the beach.

                I looked over at Liam and new that he was thinking the same thing because of the way he was looking at the water. Liam used to surf a few years back. He never did any competitions or anything, but he surfed at least once a week for fun. He stopped after my mom left, around the same time he got into drinking.

                “Hey Liam,” I asked. “Wanna go get our swim trunks and surfboards and go surfing for a while?” My dad cleared his throat. “I mean only if dad’s alright with it?” I asked Liam hopefully he would want to. It has been four years since he surfed…two for me. After my dad said it was all right, Liam smiled and said he has wanted to ride the waves ever since he knew we were coming here.

                About thirty minutes later, after getting mine and Liam’s surfboards and trunks out of the truck, we ran down to the water. The beach in front of our house was really crowded, but not many people were out surfing in the water here. I don’t know why because the waves looked amazing, but hey I wasn’t going to argue with that.

                I loved being one of the only ones on the waves. You didn’t have to worry about bumping into anyone else or having someone steal your wave. Once we had gotten down the stairs I scoped out the beach. There were a lot of hot girls in skimpy bathing suits out tanning. I think I was going to like living here if this is what my backyard looked like everyday.

                I looked over at Liam, but saw that he wasn’t there. I looked around and finally spotted him talking to a group of girls in front of a smoothie bar. “Hey,” I shouted towards him. “Liam, come on!”

                Instead of listening to me he waved me over with a smirk on his face. I knew he was probably getting those girl’s numbers. I guess Liam’s “settling down” really worked out for him I thought as I walked over to him. As I was getting closer, I could hear that they were asking him about surfing. I laughed to myself, if they were impressed with his surfing…

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