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*The Emperor and his troops were on the way back to the palace..

Emperor Jaebum and his Grand General Jackson together with his troops finally returned to the palace after winning a battle with their enemy. Despite his charismatic and vicious appearance , being away from home for 2 months, he cannot contained his excitement to get home soon to meet his soulmate, Queen Jinyoung. Jackson was also excited to get home.

"That was a great battle. I'm glad that we've won!" Jackson squealed at the Emperor.

"Yeah, all thanks to your excellent strategies," Emperor Jaebum said with a smile.

"Ayy can't wait to get home soon, aren't you?" Jackson teased him.

"Shut up," he gave Jackson a glare.

*At the Main Palace..

The Queen has ordered all maid and eunuch to tidy up the entire palace, knowing that the Emperor was on his way back to the palace. Queen Jinyoung was so head over heels at the moment. He even put some efforts to make himself looked beautiful today.

"Can someone tell me where the hell Mark is?!" he yelled.

The Prince Regent Mark was at the grand hall with other ministers. He's still in charged before the Emperor sets his foot in the palace. For 2 months he has to be in charged for every official matters inside and outside of the palace, which results in him getting less sleep.

"Sir, the Queen has asked for you now," an eunuch came and told Mark.

"What does he wants now?" Mark grumbled but still made his way to the Main Palace.

*At the Imperial Consort's Palace..

Lady Youngjae was scolding Coco, his pet dog, for playing with a flower bouquet on the table. He took almost an hour to arranged it.

"Coco! Stop it!" he yelled but the dog ignored him and continued to teared away the petals.

Suddenly, Prince Bambam entered the chamber where Lady Youngjae is, with heavy breaths.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be studying right now?!" he asked his son with an angry face. First, he was angry with Coco, and now his son got on his nerves too.

"Yeah, I was but I ran. The class is too boring!" he simply answered.

"Where's Yugeom?" Lady Youngjae asked.

"He's being the good Crown Prince. I tried to take him with me, but he said we should study. So, I left him," he answered while eating an apple.

"I'm glad that he is the Crown Prince. I can't imagine if you are the Crown Prince," Lady Youngjae sarcastically said with a laugh.

"Mom!" Bambam whined but still munching on his apple.

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