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Jaebum was in rage when he found out that Jinyoung and Mark left the palace without his permission. They already know that they especially Jinyoung the Queen cannot leave the palace without his permission but they did it anyway and that was what Jaebum mad about. Who can calm an angry Emperor Jaebum? No one, not even Jackson the Grand General. Upon the sound of the main gate being opened, Jaebum hurriedly ran towards the entrance with Jackson trailed behind him like a loyal dog. Jinyoung and Mark weren't ready to handle this.

"Where the hell have you been?! Who the hell gave you any permission to leave this palace?!" Jaebum yelled at both Jinyoung and Mark which made Mark stood behind Jinyoung.

Jinyoung being the sassy he is, he eyed Jaebum with no emotions at all. Jackson gulped and almost stopped breathing for the scene that happened in front of him.

"We went to that nearby market to buy something," Jinyoung answered flatly but his eyes still fixed on Jaebum. He knew his answer would only make Jaebum became more furious than he already was.

"What thing?! Have I not gave you enough things already?! And you! Have I not told you before to never let him leave this palace without my permission?" Jaebum pointed his finger towards Mark which got a deathly glare from the Queen.

"I forced him to go with me so you can put the blame on me and stop harrassing him!" Jinyoung gently pushed Jaebum's finger that was clearly in front of him because Mark was standing right behind him.

"I-I'm sorry, Your Highness. This will not happen again, I promise you," Mark answered, still not leaving from behind the Queen.

"You better keep your promise or else I will make sure your head will be hanging at the main gate!" Jaebum said in threatening voice. Jinyoung just rolled his eyes.

"Urgh please enough with the head chopping, will you? We're here now, aren't we? So stop being so angry. Mark, you're good to go now. Thank you for the company," Jinyoung gestured for Mark to leave them. Jackson followed him from behind.

"You can keep Youngjae in this prison but you cannot make me do the same," with that one final blow, Jinyoung left Jaebum and went to find Youngjae.

"What the..." Jaebum could not believed what he just heard.

With mixed feelings, Mark and Jackson went towards the archery field. Mark grabbed his bow and adjusting the arrow before pointing it to the target board.

"Mark, wait! Bambam and Yugyeom are there!" Jackson stopped him before he could shoot the arrow.

Little that the know, the Fool Princes were right there, in the middle of the field, trying to gather all the arrows that the shot earlier.

"Bambam! Yugyeom! What the fuck are you two doing there?! Get out of the way or I will fucking shoot you both!" Mark suddenly yelled at them. Jackson was surpised with Mark's attitude.

"Dude, what the hell? Are you alright?" Jackson asked cautiously.

"I'm perfectly fine," the older said through gritted teeth.

The two princes were still confused at Mark's sudden outburst. Seeing from the way Mark looked at them with his right hand on his hip, they hurriedly took the arrows and ran towards the elders.

"Hey, Uncle Mark! Uncle Jackson! What bring you guys here? I thought both of you are busy," Bambam put the arrows he had on the table, followed by Yugyeom.

"If I'm not mistaken, I heard you cursed at us, Uncle Mark," Yugyeom pouted which made Bambam almost puked.

"Who asked you two to stand right there when I was about to shoot? You guys are lucky that Uncle Jackson had stopped me earlier," Mark said while adjusting his arrow, ready to shoot again.

"So did you came for practice too, Uncle Jackson? Do you know how to shoot the arrow?" Bambam asked which made Jackson hit his shoulder.

"Yah! I am the Grand General for a reason. Of course I know how to shoot an arrow," he replied with a proud smile on his face.

"Yeah but honestly archery isn't your forté, Jack," Mark chuckled.

"You're jealous. Whatever! I'm still going to shoot this arrow whether you like it or not," Jackson said while aiming at the target board.

"Please, be my guest. But don't come crying at me when you missed the target," Mark said with a smirk.

And... Jackson did missed the target really bad and the rest of them laughed at him.

*At Youngjae's palace...

Youngjae was playing with Coco when Jinyoung arrived. Upon hearing the Queen's arrival, he picked Coco up and went to greet the Queen.

"Hyung, what beings you here all of a sudden?" Youngjae asked him.

"I've heard about your delicious coffee so I came to give it a try. And of course I wanted to spend some time with you if you don't mind," Jinyoung replied, showing his whiskers smile to the younger.

"Oh, of course! Why don't you take a seat first and let me brew a cup for you. Go now, Coco. Mommy have a special guest here,". Youngjae said and made his way to prepare the coffee.

Jinyoung was planning to ask Youngjae about Bambam's real father before Jaebum finds out. He was trying to save Youngjae and Mark from Jaebum just in case something goes wrong.

Youngjae came back with two cups of freshly brewed coffee. One for the older and one for him. He took a seat from across the elder and waiting for the response about the coffee.

"Wow, it's very aromatic and delicious. Where did you get these beans?" Jinyoung asked while sipping the coffee non-stop.

"Mark bought the beans for me. I mean, I asked him to buy me some at the shop I used to buy it, since I cannot leave the palace," Youngjae said with a tint of sadness in his voice.

"Youngjae, may I ask you something important?" Jinyoung started the conversation.

"Yes you may, hyung. What is it?" Youngjae answered, putting his cup down.

"Is Bambam really Jaebum's son?" Jinyoung asked which made Youngjae's eyes widened.

"What? B-but how did you..." Youngjae was completely surprised with the question Jinyoung had asked him.

"I'm not blind, Youngjae. I can see the way Mark looked at you. I believed you and Mark had your own story to tell but Jaebum wouldn't like it at all. Especially when it comes to Bambam's real father, if you get what I mean," Jinyoung held Youngjae's hands. He didn't want to pressure the younger but this matter needed to be solved as soon as possible.

"Do you know someone who can help me, hyung?" Youngjae asked with pleading eyes which Jinyoung could not resist.

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