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At a very rural village, there lived a man that is known to have the knowledge of life. Some people called him as the witch, for others he was just a wise man. He had helped many villagers with his knowledge and skills. People from outside his village might thought that this man is very scary and mysterious due to his appearance and unique aura. As for the villagers, he is just too adorable to handle. His name is Lee Jooheon.

Jooheon is said to befriended the Queen ever since they were little kids. Childhood friends to be exact. They wer so close until that one day when Jinyoung became the queen. They never saw each other again, but somehow their friendship is still strong.

Jooheon was at his lawn, working on his herbs when suddenly someone he did not expect to see, came with another two people behind him. He was beyond speechless to see his bestfriend standing in front of him.

"Long time no see, my old friend," Jinyoung greeted him with his whiskers smile.

"A-are you for real?" Jooheon asked, as if he cannot believe what he just saw.

"Of course I'm real, silly!" Jinyoung said while walked towards Jooheon to hug him. Jooheon was stiff, still trying to process what was really happen around him. When he felt the heartbeat from his bestfriend, he hugged him back.

"Gosh, it's been ages since I last saw you," Jooheon said while checking Jinyoung from head to toe.

"And you definitely look more fabulous than ever!" he added and the Queen laughed. Then he darted his eyes towards the other two people.

"Oh, I almost forgot! These are my friends from the palace. I brought them here since you know I can't leave the palace alone. This is Mark, and this is Youngjae," Jinyoung said, introducing them to Jooheon.

"Really? But their auras tell me otherwise, Your Highness," Jooheon said with a small smirk. The Queen almost choked on his own saliva.

"Are you a witch?" Youngjae finally asked. They instantly looked at him, surprised by his question.

"What? No, I'm just a wise man as the villagers called me, Milady," Jooheon said with his little laugh which shown his cute dimples.

"I think he knows who we really are," Mark finally said. Jinyoung shook his head in disbelief.

"Being honest wouldn't bring you any harm here," Jooheon said to no one in particular. He walked away from them while gesturing for them to follow him inside his humble house.

*At the palace...

As the two princes grew up each day, the rumors about their birth father also arise and being spread throughout the palace. Unfortunately, the Emperor heard about it too and of course he did not like it.

Today, the usual meeting is being held at the Grand Hall. Little that the Emperor know, the ministers decided to talk about the princes birth father.

When Jaebum walked inside the hall, he didn't see Mark anywhere. He reminded himself to ask Jackson about it later. After they talked about the nation's well-being, Jaebum tried to dismiss the ministers. But seing from their looks, he knew that they wanted to talk about something else.

"Anything else, Mr Bang?" Jaebum asked the Prime Minister.

"Your Highness, we have something to ask you regarding the princes. Is is true that you are not their father?" as the minister finished his question, Jaebum's face was red. Jackson is ready to tie him with a rope if anything bad happens in the hall.

"How dare you asked me that!" Jaebum suddenly stand up from his chair and flipped the table in front of him.

The ministers were in fear. They knew this would've happened. Jackson is trying to calm him down but failed miserably. He almost got punched by Jaebum.

"Your Highness, we didn't mean to make you angry. But somehow these rumors already spread around and I'm afraid it will become a big issue to our nation," another minister, Mr Kim, said despite of the tantrum the Emperor had.

"A-and you know the people will want the Crown Prince to stepped down the throne if he really isn't your son," this time Mr Yoo said which made the Emperor looked at him dead in the eyes.

"The rumor also said that the Queen and the Consort might having affairs with Sir Mark," Mr Jung said and that was what really sent Jaebum over the edge.

"You know how hard the Queen and I had been trying to have a child, and how I had to broke the Queen's heart to find a concubine, and now you all having doubts about my sons being not my real sons?! Not enough with that, you're accusing the Queen and the Consort having affairs with my trusted right man?! Before I kill you with my sword, I suggest you find those culprits who spread the rumors and bring them to me. Now!" Jaebum said angrily while showing his mighty sword in front of the ministers.

"You heard the Emperor. Now, please leave before he kills each and every one of you," Jackson said while gesturing for them to leave the hall.

"Y-yes, Sir Jackson. We take our leave now," Mr Moon and Mr Choi said at the same time. They pushed the other ministers out of the hall in hurry, as of their lives are at stake.

"The audacity they had to asked me that question. I can't believe it. You heard it yourself, right?" Jaebum said after he sits on his chair.

"As far as I know, these are old rumors. Ever since when your sons were still babies. But I never paid any attention to it since you know the people here love to tittle-tattle among themselves," Jackson said while gathering the things the Emperor had thrown earlier.

"What? Did they not have any other stories to talked about besides my family?!" Jaebum yelled again, making Jackson flinched a bit.

"Geez, can you not yelling like that? I'm having heart attack everytime you yelled!" Jackson said, clearly annoyed with Jaebum's high-pitched yelling.

"I'm being emotional. Don't blame me," Jaebum softly said. Jackson looked at him and sighed heavily.

"This is the life you have to lived, my friend. I know it's hard but I promise you everything will be alright. I'm right here if you need my help," Jackson said, showing his sincere smile to his friend. Jaebum is really glad that he have a friend like him.

"Speaking of friend, where is Mark?" Jaebum suddenly asked. Jackson gulped nervously.

'Oh, crap!' Jackson thought to himself.

"Jackson, have you seen Mark? I haven't seen him from this morning. Where did he go? He never missed any meetings before," Jaebum asked more to himself.

"I know you will get mad but please let me finish first. Jinyoung went to meet his friend so he asked Mark and Youngjae to go with him," Jackson told Jaebum just as Jinyoung told him to.

"Without my permission, again?! He even brought Youngjae with him!" Jaebum said angrily. Then suddenly it hit him. 

'What did he wanted to do this time? First, he went out with Mark. Now, he even brought Youngjae with him. Did he knew? What if the rumors are true? It can't be! I know Jinyoung is loyal to me. And I believe Mark wouldn't do that. I trust him with my life. But Youngjae? What if Bambam isn't my son?' These are the thoughts that he can't keep out of his mind.

"Do you perhaps know where they went to?" Jaebum asked. Jackson scratched his head.

"I'm not sure. Oh, Jinyoung did told me  he's going to meet his old friend. Yeah, old friend. Do you know any of his old friends?" Jackson asked Jaebum curiously. No one knew the Queen's friends before he came to the palace. No one but Jaebum.

"Oh, I know his friend. Actually, his only bestfriend," he said with a smirk.

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