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I'm sorry for making you guys wait. I literally lost my mind when the boys announced their cb. My inspiration all gone until today. After I saw Jackson's teasers, suddenly the idea came and viola! Here it goes. I hope you guys can read it eventhough I feel like this chapter was a bit out of tune. Hahahaha. Enjoy!! 💋

*Flashback Part 2..

Being the Imperial Consort made Youngjae felt like he was in prison. He can't do anything he likes randomly. He can't leave the palace, or even see Mark anythime he wanted to. He misses the times he used to hang around with Mark. How he wished that Mark would still take him away from the 'prison'.

Youngjae was afraid of Jinyoung when he first saw him. He noticed the intimidated expression on Jinyoung's face the first time they met. But when Jinyoung flashed a sincere smile to him, he felt relieved. He's not going to die, he thought. Their relationship were in a good terms, but they still would be awkward with each other.

What Youngjae didn't realised was he slowly had a feeling towards Jaebum. He would felt a little jealous when he saw Jaebum with Jinyoung. He knew he shouldn't did that, but it can't be helped. He knew Jaebum didn't loved him as much as he loved Jinyoung, but Youngjae won't give a damn.

He still remembered the first night he had with Jaebum. He was extremely nervous when he saw Jaebum entered his chamber. He didn't feel that kind of nervous on his first night with Mark. Jaebum's fierce personality somehow made Youngjae attracted to him.

"You know the reason why I chose you, right?" Jaebum asked when he got closer to Youngjae.

"No, I don't," Youngjae answered.

"If only my own wife could get pregnant, I won't have to do this," Jaebum said which made Youngjae's heart hurt.

'I can never take Jinyoung's place in his heart,' Youngjae thought to himself, almost tearing up.

And he did when Jaebum first kissed him. How he wished Jaebum had never came to his palace in the first place. He also wished that he never stepped his feet in the palace. He just wanted to go back to where he and Mark were happy with each other doing what they loved.

A few days later, Jinyoung and Youngjae were having their tea time at the garden. Mark was there too because Youngjae asked Jinyoung to bring him together with them.

"Youngjae, I noticed you eat a lot these few days. You have gained some weight too," Jinyoung said while examining the younger's chubby face.

Youngjae who was munching on a red bean bun almost choked when he heard that.

"I am?" Youngjae asked, cupping his both cheeks.

"You looked glowing too," Mark added. His eyes never left Youngjae's beautiful face.

"I won't say you're sick. Because no sick person will looked chubby and glowing like you do," Jinyoung exclaimed.

"Do you want me to call the physician later?" Mark asked Jinyoung.

"Yes, please. At least we will know what happened to him. I'm sure Jaebum will agree with me too," Jinyoung said.

Youngjae noticed the expression on Jinyoung's face when he mentioned Jaebum's name. He can't help but felt guilty.

"I'm sorry," Youngjae said, holding Jinyoung's hands.

"For what?" Jinyoung asked.

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