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I don't feel like myself.

+a/n: aaaand it's back to naya na lyrics lmao

Minji patiently waited for her friend to arrive, she was currently home alone since her parents had gone to work.

"These are bori-" As she was flipping through the channels, her sentence was cut off as there was a knock on the door.

The girl straightened her top and hurriedly went for the door, revealing Jihoon. He wore a loose blue striped v-neck polo that revealed his defined collarbones along with black pants and to top it off, he wore a black beanie.

On the other side, Minji wore a denim button up skirt with a plain white tee. "You look beautiful." Jihoon breathed out, he couldn't help but eye her up and down, she was breathtaking though her attire was very simple.

"Thank you." She could feel her cheeks heating up, usually when one of her friends compliment her she wouldn't act all shy but why is she feeling this way now?

"Let's go?" Jihoon grinned, Minji nodded and quickly looked the door with her keys.

The two walked along the footpath, "Where do you want to go?" He turned his head and looked at her, Minji pressed her lips together in a straight line, thinking about a place. "Well I kind of want to go to the mall, if that's okay with you?" She hesitantly spoke.

Minji wasn't really the type to please herself, she thinks about what the others like instead, she puts people before her and wants to please them before she can do the same to herself. "I'm okay with the mall, actually I'm okay with anything a long as it's with you."

There goes that weird feeling again, she always feels it whenever she's with Jihoon. Minji has got an idea of why this is happening to her but she doubts it, hopefully the thing she's thinking about isn't right.

"The mall it is!" She gave him a bright smiled that he returned in no time

The two sat side by side in the train, their thighs touching because of the closeness of the chair. She could feel herself getting hot, why was she acting so weird around Jihoon today? They were only sitting together yet she could feel her cheeks burn.

Jihoon stole a glance at Minji, seeing her flustered look that she was trying to hide, he quietly laughed. Though, his heart was beating fast as well since it was the first time Minji acted flustered around him, he decided to make this bus ride more interesting.

"Oh? Are you okay? Your face looks really red." She jumped in surprise and turned to Jihoon.

But the boy didn't stop there, he leaned in to 'examine' her flustered face causing her to lean back a little, the back of her head touching the window. He inwardly smiled to himself as her cheeks were tinted red.

"A-ah, it's n-nothing!" She stuttered looking down at her fingers while playing with them. By now, she could feel sweat forming on her forehead and her face still heated up with embarrassment.

"Are you sure?" Jihoon had to control his face so she wouldn't see the visible smile that formed upon his pretty face. Minji nodded, gaining some courage to look up at the boy.

Their eyes met once again but this was different, he was so close that she could almost see the galaxy in his eyes, it was breathtaking. "Okay." Jihoon smiled and returned to his normal sitting position.

He looked the other way, trying to hide his smile but failed. On the other side, Minji rapidly fanned her face but sighed nonetheless as his face was nowhere near hers.

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