You Too?

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I stared wide-eyed. What just happened? I looked to my right, no one, to my left no one. I looked ahead of me, a boy staring at a golden pocket watch. I stepped back, careful not to touch another clock. I walked around the clocks and towards the water, where the boy was, I was just meters away from him, looking out at the beautiful sunset before me. I stepped into the water, waiting for him to notice.

I felt two hands on my shoulders, familiar, but I knew I'd never felt them before. I will, later.

"Marcus.... Dodge?" I asked as the hands fell from my shoulders.

"Krystal Parker?" The boy said back.

"Correct," I said turning around to face a younger version of the boy I had seen. "You can see it too?"

Marcus nodded as he looked at the pocket watch. He seemed reluctant to tell me more. I didn't mind, my head was still trying to wrap around the fact that time travel was possible.

"How old are you?" Marcus asked me.

"12, you?" I said as I looked at the watch in my hand.

"18, well now anyway," Marcus said smiling.

I heard something ringing, and that's when I realized, it was my phone. I took it out and looked down, I had to get home.

"I'm sorry Marcus, I have to get home, come here tomorrow okay? I'll be here." I said as I ran off.

I looked back to see that Marcus had disappeared into the crowd, but I didn't have time to think more of it, right now, I had to get home for dinner.

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