Chapter 13

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I wake up suddenly when I hear heavy breathing.

"Tanner?" I rub my eyes and I see him putting his hand to his chest.

"Oh my god! Tanner! Are you okay?!" I ask as I sit up and put my hand on his shoulder. I knew he had panic attacks, but he's only had them two other times.

"I'll go get Kim." I say and tush out of the room. I go to Kim's room and I wake her up, "Kim! Kim! Tanner's having a panic attacked!"

"I'm coming, just go downstairs and wait." Kim says.

I nod my head and rush back to our room, "You're mom is coming, okay? Just breathe. Okay? Calm down, it's okay."

Kim rushes in and we try to comfort Tanner and he stops breathing in short breaths and he goes back to his normal self. Kim and I hug him tightly.

"Are you okay?" Kim asks.

"Y-Yeah, I think so." Tanner says and takes a deep breath.

"I was so scared." I said as I continued to hug him.

"It's okay, I'm here." Tanner lightly laughs.

"Does your chest feel okay? Do you need any medicine?" Kim asks as she stands up.

"Maybe some ibuprofen." Tanner shrugs.

Kim nods and leaves the room.

"Why did you get a panic attack?" I asked, clearly confused because I knew nothing about the subject.

"I don't know, sometimes I can get really panicked in my sleep from a dream or something, but I don't remember anything..." Tanner says.

"I'm just so glad you're okay." I continue to hug him as he rubs my back.

"Yeah. Me too." Tanner says.

I kiss his lips quickly and then I go over to my side of the bed and cover up with the blankets. I hear Kim come in and hand him two pills and a glass of water, in which Tanner takes them.

Kim leaves the room and Tanner covers himself with only one blanket and falls asleep. I smile and play with his hair and I fall asleep as well.


"Okay, so today we're chilling with Dylan and of course Lia." Tanner explains to the camera.

"It's lit." Dylan laughs.

"And I'm getting my car in 3 days! Hopefully..." Tanner laughs.

"Yayyy!" I laugh.

"But yah we're just hanging out." Tanner says as I get up and go to the bathroom.

I use the bathroom and wash my hands then walk back out and Tanner's camera is no where to be found.

"What's going on here?" I ask skeptically.

"What do you mean?" Dylan asks and smirks.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes and sigh.

The front door open as Quentin and Dylan(the og Dylan😂). I scream and I instantly hug Quentin and I cry out of joy. I'm emotional, I know.

"Hey, Lia." Quentin laughs and hugs me back.

"I missed you." I continue to cry.

"I missed you too." He smiles.

"And Dylan!" I laughed slightly and hugged him tightly.

"I missed you!" Dylan says and twirls me around in a hug and I giggle as he sets me back down.

Dylan Hawkins and Tanner just smile off to the side as Tanner takes his camera out of a secret corner.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I smile.

"Hey, don't say thank you to us. Tanner was the one who had us come out here." Quentin says.

"Really?" I ask and turn around to Tanner and he just smiles. I go to hug him tightly, "Thank you!"

"Anything for you, babe." Tanner smiles and hugs me back.


After hanging out with all of them for a while, it was now 11pm and Dylan Hawkins left. I just chilled with the rest of them and we hung out on our bed.

"I'm tired." I yawn.

"Okay, you can go to sleep. We'll continue to watch the movie." Tanner says as I nod and slide down, Tanner's arm still around me. He slides down a bit as well so I can lay comfortably.

"Goodnight." I smile into his chest.

"Goodnight babe." Tanner smiles and kisses my forehead.

"Goodnight." Dylan and Quentin say in unison and laugh quietly.

I try to fall asleep as they all stay quiet until they think I'm asleep.

"So, you really love her, huh?" Dylan asks.

Stupid question, really.

"Well, yeah. I do." Tanner says back.

"Don't break her heart or cheat on her any more times." Quentin says protectively.

"Yeah, I won't." Tanner says and sighs.

"Good." Quentin sighs.

"She's so beautiful..." Tanner says and I can feel him smiling.

I smile a bit too as I fall asleep. I'm the luckiest girl in the world.

My Lover Boy -Tanner Braungardt- (Second Book)Where stories live. Discover now