Finale House of Gold

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I've been thinking a lot about how I left this. It's true I wanted to write a third book, but quickly lost motivation after the second. I've long since lost my planning as well, and as much as I remember it, it's something that will never work. So here's an ending, as I want to give this closure. Thank you truly to everyone who's read and is reading, although I don't completely understand why you may be. I hope you enjoyed at least, despite how cringey it is looking back. I wrote this almost a year to two ago, and I'd really like to say my writing has improved since then. I'm working on new works (not Hetalia- EXO), and I hope that when I release that you guys will enjoy that just as much!! I'll be releasing teasers and more information for those soon. In the meantime, please enjoy this ending, House of Gold.


"A pill?" Emil asked, confused. The small boy was still growing to be accustomed to this strange white lab.
Logan nodded. "Yes, a pill. I shall show you how it works." He snapped his fingers, and the girl- Avery, her name was- rushed over and passed him a gun. Quickly, Logan locked and loaded the gun, and then held it up. With incredible aim he fired, and a bullet hit Berwald dead centre in his forehead, and he slumped down in his wheelchair, blood running down his forehead and face.
The blood sprayed, tainting Natalya's face with spots of red, and she seemed unfazed.
Before people had proper time to react, another man, Cyan, rushed forward and forced Berwald's mouth open.
Mathias found it quite strange and gruesome that they would do this to his now dead brother. He badly wanted to squeeze his eyes shut, look away, but he also found himself unable to.
Cyan pressed the pill into Berwald's mouth and closed it shut, and within a few seconds Berwald straightened up, rubbing his eye as if he had just awoken from sleep.
"Rise." Logan said, moving his hand in an upward motion. Without thinking, Berwald did as he was told, and stood from the wheelchair. "See what I mean?" Logan asked, gesturing to Berwald, whose wheelchair had been replaced with a proper chair and was now seated again. "This pill works miracles. As I said, am I entrusting this with you. It's quite simple, really- finish off everyone, and I shall give you the pill, to revive them."
"Them? Them who?" Alfred asked, and Logan smiled smugly and gestured again. Avery and Cyan wheeled out three canister like containers. They appeared quite complex, being grey and colour with glass doors.
They rose, making their way over to the canisters.
Alfred peered into one, and floating among a clear liquid was Matthew, his blond hair spread out around him.
Alfred's breath hitched in his chest, and struggled to explain to a blind Francis what he was seeing and what was happening.
In a second canister was Tino, his slim figure unmoving. Lukas found it difficult to see the small Finn within, never being able to imagine the excited man contained to such a small area.
In the third canister was Océane, and just upon seeing her was like driving a dagger straight through Mathias' heart, which was just what Logan did to Raivis three days later in the training room.
Again Emil watched the blood of his friend run down, and was unable to do anything but watch as the body of his friend was dragged away, the miraculous Revival Pill suddenly non-existent.
The nations worked hard, trying to become as best as they physically could to earn their loved ones back, wanting to get their hands on the Pill and the remaining enemies.
They not only found themselves working themselves to the bone, but fading away one by one.
Logan told them Berwald had died in his sleep one night, but the nations had suspicions otherwise.
In a combat battle against Logan, Arthur had taken a fall out of the building's window, and Alfred watched as his brother and someone he trusted within completely fell helplessly, and then sprawled out on the ground at deadly sick angles.
Francis' death was supposed suicide, and Emil, Mathias, Lukas, Natalya, and Alfred were never told the specifics, but found that to be unlike Francis.
It was also unlike Lukas to suddenly go missing, leaving without a word or trace. He left Emil worried and scared and alone, and when he asked others about Lukas, they looked at him as if he had lost his mind and asked him if he was alright. They all acted as if nothing had ever happened, as if Lukas had never existed- which was just what Mathias told him.
"Emil, how much sleep are you getting? What did you last eat? We don't know a Lukas, nor have we ever."
They were down to four, and Emil thought it best that they stick together as they were stronger in numbers, but everyone else thought differently.
Emil often ended up alone, working late into the night and rising early in the morning to get a head start.
Mathias often disappeared, and he had been spotted on more than one occasion leaving the lab in dark, heavy clothing at night. Emil tried to stay awake to call Mathias out, but he always fell asleep before Mathias returned. Nonetheless, Mathias always came back, bringing the covers up to Emil's chin and whispering an apology before dropping his suitcase off and going to bed himself.
Alfred and Natalya had teamed up together, and had proved to be quite the power couple. They were strong, easily overcoming challenges thrown at them.
That was until they both ventured into the basement. They were both found dead the next morning.
Emil tried desperately to hang onto Mathias, the last person he had left, but Mathias distanced himself.
One night, when Mathias entered Emil's room, Emil felt nothing but happiness. Mathias had realized what a jerk he was being to Emil and that he had to treat him better and was coming to reconcile with him.
Emil was ready to pour his heart out to Mathias, tell him what a difficult time he was having and how much he wanted to go home, sit in the living room with Lukas, Tino, Berwald and Mathias and a warm blanket and hot cocoa.
"Hey, little man." Mathias said, approaching Emil who sat atop the white sheets that stretched across his bed.
"Mathias." Emil said, smiling up at the Dane. The Dane kneeled down in front of Emil, and it wasn't until he came closer that Emil noticed the Dane's expression. It read fear and resentment, but masked over with what was supposed comfort and care. Emil saw through that mask and that smile, and he saw through the shaky but tight hug Mathias had pulled him into.
Nonetheless, Emil hugged him back, confused.
When Mathias whispered "Emil, I'm so sorry." into his ear shakily, his voice wavering on the verge of tears, Emil was more confused.
But as Mathias lifted his arms from around Emil and drove his blade into him, Emil was no longer confused, but felt a million sensations all at once- anger, hurt, understanding, happiness, dizziness, agitation, and finally euphoria and a crushing wave of emotion as he reached up and gripped Lukas' hand tightly.
"Where did you go?" The Icelandic boy asked meekly. "Why did you leave me?"
"I didn't want to." Lukas said. "They made me."
"I'm sorry, Emil. I'm so sorry." Mathias muttered over and over again as he felt the warm liquid spilling from Emil's body, which was slumped into Mathias' arms run over his fingers and up his arm and drip onto the floor. "They made me."
They did indeed make him, and the next day he brought his suitcase he had retrieved from the Taiwanese girl, Mei Mei, to Logan.
Mathias propped the suitcase onto the table and Logan took it hungrily, looking at it as if Mathias had handed him the keys to a shiny new Australia.
In exchange, Logan granted Mathias access to the canisters.
Mathias approached it with hesitation but excitement, and as the door opened, her frame fell out, and as she fell into his arms and he was able to hold her close yet again, he knew what he had done was for good reason.
All the blood on his hands wasn't for nothing, it was for the greater good, and he was able to start anew with Océane, forever and always together for eternity.
As he held her with his red hands, he knew he had found his House of Gold, despite the costs.

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