So tired of new days

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Chapter 3

All I have to say is Drama Class was interesting.

Being grouped with Matt and McKayla was not as bad as I thought it would have been. McKayla gave an idea that the setting should be in the city then Matt got excited and said that I should play a taxi driver. Being me, I said he should be one of the "gangsters". I don't think he liked that idea by the look he gave me afterwards.

We all sat and planned the Little improv we would do. Which didn't take long because I was saved by the lunch bell, and yet again I was stuck in a sea of hurrying legs and feet.

"Well Cloe, are you ready for some grub?" Jorden helped me up and over to my wheelchair safely then grab our stuff heading out the door.

"Wait!!! Jorden!!! I can't wheel myself!!" I hollered after him but I guess he didn't hear my voice in the jungle hallways. "Ah crap!!"

I start trying to drag my wheelchair with my feet to pull it but I know I am failing epically. I swear this wheelchair hates me because it feels like its pulling in the other direction. All I want to do is catch up to Jorden so I can stuff my face!

"Hey!" Someone popped up next to me, making me jump. I look to my right and see McKayla smiling down at me.

"Need help?" She asked slowly inching right along with me as I keep failing at wheeling this P.O.S. myself

"Yes please. That would be so amazing. I'm really hungry and by the time I get to the Cafe I'd be all bones."

She laughs, "Would you mind holding my stuff while I push?" I shake my head no, and she hands me her books then heads out to the not-so-busy hallway, "I also need to stop at my locker. Do you need to stop at yours?"

I shake my head once again, "No. Jordan took off with my stuff without me." I roll my eyes at stupid boys and their bottomless pits they call their stomachs.

"Don't you just love guys! They get distracted so easily. I just don't understand why the have a brain. They don't even use it."

We are at the door to the Cafe. Its closed so McKayla tries to hold the door while trying to get me through the door. "Ugh!! Dude we're ditching the chair!" McKayla gave up. "Come on. I'll help you walk. Get up or I'm leaving you too." I could tell she was dead serious. I was about to get up when a voice stopped me.

"Here need some help?" a male voice asked grabbing the door and held it open for us.

"Yes please!!" McKayla Puffed from all that struggling with the door.

The cafeteria was nothing but plain. A white floor with black dots everywhere that looks like little bugs. Off white walls that look like they've seen better days and tables with chairs everywhere. I bet if you wash the walls it would be white.

All you hear as we walked in is a hum of people talking all at once. A burst of smell from all the different foods hit my nose all at once. Some of them good some were bad. The smell of food sure made my stomach yell out in joy. Didn't realize how hungry I was until now.

"Man I thought I would never get to eat my lunch today! Geez Cloe you're a lot of work. Am I going to get paid for this?" McKayla wiggles my chair as we head to the now shortened lunch line.

"That's what I hear from Ashley all the time." The male voice said walking next to us.

I glanced over to see who it was and realized it's one of Pete's friends I met earlier. But I forgot his name. I think it was something like Dave? Or was it Rich? Or Bob? I need to learn how to remember these things

Getting two trays handing one to me and pushing my wheelchair forward with her hips which wasn't easy in this small area but she made it happen. She asked "Ashley who?"

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