Prologue-How it all started

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                Author's note: This part is the prologue of this book. It'll be at the setting of Annie climbing the wall to escape. Hope you enjoy everyone. Plus, this is from the English dub version not from the English sub version.


                Everyone expect Mikasa uses their ODM gear to follow and watch the two Titans fight in the city. They land on the rooftops near the fight. Armin watches the Female Titan who is Annie and Eren fight each other.
Armin (in his mind): "To rise above monsters, we have to abandon our humanity. What we fight, we become...-"
                Eren was in his fighting stance and he roars his Titan roar. He goes in to attack Annie the Female Titan. He charges head on towards her. Annie's right leg becomes crystal and she's still in her fighting stance she usually uses when training with Eren. Annie jumps back and Armin continues to think to himself.
                Armin (in his mind): with fire.
                Annie finished jumping back and she kicks Eren's right leg. Eren's right leg comes off but he continues to fight her. Eren titan roars, he growls and goes in for another attack at Annie.
                Armin (in his mind): "Look at her. Annie can do it."
                Annie moved away from Eren's attack. Eren tries again and Annie lefts her right hand up to catch his punch. As Eren roars as he does this, his punch lands on Annie's right hand with force. Annie's feet drags against the ground and Eren falls down because his right leg is gone well, half of it is. Annie's right hand accidentally hits the left side of her face. She got hit by her own hand because of Eren's attack.
                Annie (in her mind, her father's voice): "Annie..."
               Annie's left cheek of her face was injured and steam comes out.
Annie (in her mind, her father's voice): "Annie!"
               Annie lefts her head back up as steam continues to come out if her face. The steam soon stops and she looks at Eren. Eren, who was on his knees roars yet again and goes in for another attack yet again. Annie lefts her crystallized right leg and she kicks Eren right in the face, plus right into a building. Dust flows into the sky as Annie kicked Eren into the building. Wind blows towards the soldiers in the rooftops as they watched them fight. Eren continues to roar his Titan roar. Annie was standing right in front of him. Her right leg that was crystallized was caught by Eren's mouth!! Eren digs his teeth into her leg and Annie struggles to release her leg from his grip. Annie gets fed up and she got ready to punch him. She crystallized her right hand and starts hitting Eren in the face in order to make him let her leg go. Annie now, roars her Titan roar as she has flashbacks from her past plus as she was hitting Eren.
                Annie (in her mind, her father's voice): "Annie"
                Annie grunts as she hits Eren in the face.
                Annie (in her mind, her father's voice): "I believe in you. I'm always on your side."
                Annie roars and she continues to punch Eren in the face. Blood drops from her fist as she continues hitting Eren. Annie hits him one last time and she stops hitting. Eren's Titan form has lots and lots of steam coming out of his Titan body. His mouth was open wide, some teeth may have been missing now. Annie looks over and she starts running immediately after doing that. Annie ran away, leaving Eren behind. Steam continues to leave his Titan body as she runs away. As Eren got closer to view on, some of his hair was missing on his titan form.
                Eren (in his mind): "I will...kill them...every last one! (Echo affect) Every last one!"
                Annie looks back over her left shoulder and Eren was moving. There were strange red lines appearing all over his titan form. His mouth was completely restored expect for his right leg and arm. Eren roars and he goes after Annie with only one leg. He was going completely berserk in the city as he goes after Annie. Annie kept looking over her left shoulder watching him catch up to her at a inhuman speed with just one arm and leg. Annie watches Eren reach his right arm towards her. There was a bridge in front of Annie. But she didn't know this because her attention was on Eren. Eren caught up to her and his right arm flies next to her neck. Annie kept looking over her left shoulder. Eren grabs Annie and they both went right through the bridge. Annie hits the ground hard and Eren roars. They dragged against the ground and lots and lots of people ran out of the way but not all of them. Who knows. Lots of dust builds up and flows into the sky once again. Mikasa finally on her feet again goes after them.
                Mikasa: "Eren!"
                She uses her ODM gear to get to Eren and Annie.
Back at the rooftops where soldiers were Mikasa gets there and lands there.
                Hanji: "What is he?"
                Mikasa lands as Hanji says this and she starts walking off the roof.
                Mikasa: "Help him!"
                As Mikasa walks to the edge of the rooftop Hanji stops her.
                Hanji: "No! With the state he's in, it's probably best that we keep our distance."
                Mikasa looks at Hanji as she says that to her, Mikasa looked at the area where Eren was at and she gasps in worry.
                Eren was on Annie and she was covering her nape where she was located at in her Titan form. Eren roars and his body looks like it's on fire and still lots and lots of steam is coming out of his Titan body. As Annie lays on the ground, she looks at Eren which looked like fear or maybe in disbelief (Author's note: that's what it looked like to me okay). Eren roars at her and she roars. Annie does her best to get up and Eren fell off of her. Eren wouldn't let her go that easily. She kept her hands on her the back of her neck of her Titan form. Eren grabs Annie by the face and Annie screams in pain. He squeezes her face and he growled. He squeezed hard enough to nearly destroying Annie's face. Blood falls everywhere, and Annie screams and screams in terrible pain. Lots and lots of steam comes out of her face as she screams. Eren kept squeezing Annie's face and she screams as Eren growls. Annie continues screaming until she hits Eren with her elbow in his face. He finally let's her face go and she falls down in front of Eren. Annie roars and Eren hits her right in the face. Annie kicks him away and he hits a building with his back. Annie roars as she does this to Eren. Meanwhile, on the rooftops everyone continues to watch and the force of Eren hitting the building moves them all a little bit. Annie starts to stand up, steam was still coming out of her face. Annie crystallizes her fingers and Eren was in the building growling. He moves and the building breaks from his movements. Annie was now running towards the wall as he gets up from the building. Annie growls and she stabs her fingers into the wall.
Jean (horse face lol): "She's headed up the wall!"
                Hanji: "She's trying to escape!"
                Hanji moves while the others just stayed there watching Annie climb up the wall. Annie breathes heavily and Eren caught up to her. He grabs her by the legs as she climbs up the wall. Eren then bites into Annie's right leg and Annie looks at him. She kicks him off and her right leg was torn off but she didn't care. Annie just kept climbing the wall. Eren fell to the ground and Annie went back to climbing up the wall.
                Armin: "No, no, no! We can't let her get away!"
                Suddenly, Mikasa used her ODM gear and she catches up to Annie on the wall.
                Mikasa: "I won't let her!"
                Annie sees Mikasa and she's in a disbelief at the sight of Mikasa. Annie growls as she stops climbing up the wall. Mikasa swirls in the air and cuts off Annie fingers on her right hand. Annie's right arm fell to her side and Mikasa then goes for Annie's left hand. Annie growls and Mikasa roars and she swirls yet again. She then cuts off Annie's fingers on her left hand. Annie was in complete disbelief, Mikasa watches her fall. Then Mikasa lands on Annie's forehead of her Titan form.
                Mikasa: "It's over, Annie. Now fall."
                Mikasa jumps off of Annie's forehead and Annie continues to fall.
                Annie looks at the sky while her mouth was open.
                Annie (in her mind, her father's voice): "Annie... I'm so sorry. I don't expect you to forgive me. But... please... please just...-"
                Annie hits the ground hard and Eren growls loudly. Eren goes in to attack her.
                Annie (in her mind, her father's voice): "Stand your ground. Stand your ground even if the whole world stands against you."
                As Annie remembers what her father said to her, Eren lands on Annie and he punches her. Her arm comes off and it flies away. It grips a bridge where Erwin was located at. Eren growls loudly yet again.
                Eren (in his mind): "Die...All of you... Everything..."
                Annie (in her mind, her father's voice): "They'll despite you...They won't understand. But I will. Your dad always will."
                Eren gets ready to bite into Annie neck.
                Hanji: *gasp* Oh, no! He's gonna devour her whole!"
Jean (horse face again): "Eren! Back off!"
                Mikasa: "Don't do it!"
                Eren (in his mind): " freedom!"
                Annie (in her mind, her father's voice): "Promise me you'll return... that's all I ask. *Annie sheds a tear*"
                Eren bites into her neck and tears it off. But as he does, he's completely unaware of what happened. Then he saw it, Annie has shedded tears. Annie was crying while being inside the Titan form. Eren was completely shocked at this. He immediately stops everything and he just looks at her. Back at the rooftops.
                Hanji: "Wha... what's he doing?"
                Then, a bright blue light suddenly appears. Annie was the one who created it. Eren growls and he backs his head away.
                Nile: "Son of a...?"
                Lots and lots of wind force happens as Annie was doing something. Armin gasps at what he's seeing right now.
                Armin (in disbelief): "They're merging?"
                Eren titan growls loudly and he struggles to escape. He looks down and Annie's real body was being crystallized before his eyes.
                Mikasa: "Stop it, Eren!"
                Mikasa running over but she soon stops and she gasps at the sight of what's really happening. Then out of nowhere, Captain Levi suddenly appears and he cuts Eren's neck open.
                Levi: "It's not a good idea to eat our key idiot."
                Moments later, everyone from the rooftops were on ground. Lots of dust and steam flows onto the sky along with wind. Everyone was looking at Eren's Titan form. Some other soldiers surrounded the crystallized Annie. Armin and Mikasa were with Eren and Mikasa pushes him towards her. Eren's eyes were closed at the moment. Awhile later, Eren starts to regain his consciousness and Mikasa was now at his right side of him not behind him anymore. Eren soon reopened his eyes while breathing in and out of his mouth slightly loudly.
                Mikasa: "Eren"
                Eren: "Mikasa... Is Annie...?"
                Mikasa looks down sad (Author's note: She looked sad to me okay not sure what you guys think but let me know in the comments okay. Thank chu) and she looks over at the area where Annie was located at. Metal was clinging against something, and it was the crystal Annie placed herself inside of.
Armin was standing in front of Eren and Mikasa. Eren looks over to where Mikasa was looking at. Jean grunts as he tries to break the crystal Annie is in.
                 The blade Jean was using kept breaking instead.
                 Jean (horse face- in anger): "Damn it? All the shit we've been through and this is what we get? Annie! Wake up! C'mon, face the music! You owe us! Don't be a coward! I know you can hear me!"
                He got ready to attack the crystal again by Levi stops him.
Levi: "That's enough. It's over."
                Jean lowers his broken blade and Hanji steps in.
                Hanji: "Someone get me a wire net! This thing belongs deep understand!"
                Soldiers: "Understood!"
                Hanji looks at the crystal and she sighs (Author's note: I'm confused at times. The manga said that Hanji is a guy but in the English dub version of the anime, the voice actor is female while English sub version is a male in Japanese. That's why I'm so confused. Sorry I'm just putting that out there lol).
                Hanji (in her mind): "What have we done? If we can't get any answers out of her, then what was the point of all this? We're left with nothing but countless casualties, ruined lives, and unanswered questions. All for what?"
Levi was walking away and he was looks at Erwin. He stops walking and he was beside Erwin.
                Levi: "Well, it was a valiant effort. Can't win 'em all though, right?"
                Erwin: "Right. At the very least the Scouts Regiment's been exonerated. Sure, by the skin of it's teeth, but still."
                  Levi: "Let's hope the brass agrees."


                Author's note: I saw some mistakes, so I fixed them. Plus, if you see any mistakes please tell me, I'm seriously begging you to tell me if you see any mistakes I made. ous should know the ending and the rest of this. It all came from the last episode of Attack On Titan season one. If you don't, watch the last episode on YouTube, Hulu, or on Netflix or something like that. Thanks for reading the Introduction to this book. Soon I'll post two more parts which are the Information you should know about Mikasa and Annie. Then, the real fun and book begins. Please leave me a comment below and tell me how I did and how to make this book better. Laters, I'll see you in the next chapter/part.

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