Chapter 2: Sweet memories (first kiss </////>)

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                 Author's note: Here's chapter 2 everyone, I'll be a bit longer than chapter 1. Hope you enjoy it and please leave a comment to tell me about what's on your mind and all. Thanks

             Mikasa continues to sleep on her futon bed she made. She stops talking in her sleep as if she wanted to hear Annie's response from inside her crystal. Annie didn't say anything but she said her response in her mind. Surprisingly Mikasa heard her somehow but Mikasa was too sleepy to notice it.
               Annie (in her mind): "Of course I remember the first time we met. How can I forget such a wonderful memory?"
              Start of their flashback:                 Annie was all alone on the rooftop of the barracks. It was night time, and dinner was being served. Everyone has gotten their share of food expect Annie. Everyone was extremely noisy inside so Mikasa decided to go outside onto the rooftop. And to her surprise, she saw Annie all alone on the rooftop.
              Mikasa: "Annie!? What are you doing up here all alone? And...and have eaten anything yet today?"
              Annie: "...."
              Annie didn't seem to hear Mikasa so she sat right behind Annie. Mikasa softly puts her arms on Annie's shoulders. Annie's reaction was this: she growls softly and she flips Mikasa over her and plants her onto the rooftop with a fist high in the air. Then Annie recognized who she just flipped over.
              Annie: "Mikasa!?"
              Mikasa: "First off......OW!"
              Annie immediately got off of Mikasa's lap and she looks at her confused.
              Annie: "Why are you out here Mikasa?"
             Mikasa: "They were starting to get loud down there so I decided to come out here. Especially when Jean wanted to start flirting with me. I punched him right in the face. Haha...uh...but uh...I thought I could eat in peace out here but come to find out that it's claimed by you."
              Annie laughs when Jean got hit by Mikasa because he wanted to flirt with her. She looks at Mikasa as Mikasa was looking at the ground holding her scarf close to her face.
              Annie: "Well horse face had it coming didn't he?"
              Mikasa didn't respond to Annie's comment so Annie did the same thing Mikasa did when Annie didn't hear her. Annie gets behind Mikasa and she placed her arms on Mikasa's shoulders. Mikasa immediately reacts but she stopped as soon as she saw Annie. Mikasa loosens her grip on Annie forearms. Their faces were pretty darn close to each other. It took them awhile to realize how close their faces were.
            Both Mikasa and Annie: "Ahh!!"
            No one heard them because it was so noisy downstairs. Annie and Mikasa separated themselves from each other. Hearts racing and faces becoming really warm. What....what is this feeling? Both girls shook this unknown feeling away and their back to normal. An hour later, Mikasa and Annie were actually left alone together. Everyone else was elsewhere in the barracks. Mikasa and Annie just sat on the rooftop of the now quiet barracks looking at the night sky. Annie's head accidentally got placed on Mikasa's right shoulder. Mikasa had her hands behind her and her head slightly tilted on Annie's head. Annie sighs and same with Mikasa at the same time. A few minutes later, Mikasa changed her position for Annie. Annie was now in front of Mikasa. Mikasa had her legs open wide enough for Annie to sat and move a little bit.
               Then the unexpected thing happens, Mikasa slowly wraps her arms around Annie. Annie notices and tries to get out of Mikasa's grip before it becomes tight. But it was too late, Annie was already in Mikasa's tight grip. Annie gasps quietly and she moves her head to the left slightly. Then, she sees Mikasa's face getting closer to her own. Annie tries moving again but the grip on her upper body just got tighter. Annie's face begins to heat up extremely warm. She realized that she was blushing as Mikasa's face grew closer and closer. Annie slightly opens her mouth and Mikasa's mouth was the same. Mikasa's mouth was more closed then Annie's mouth.
             As soon as Annie opens her mouth a little, she felt Mikasa's right hand touch the back of her neck and head. Annie's eyebrows went slightly upward as Mikasa's expression stays the same. Annie tries to escape two more times but failed as the grip got tighter again. As soon as Annie lifts her head to see Mikasa, their lips ultimately connected. Annie's eyes became wide while Mikasa's eyes were closed. Annie gasps within their kiss because she just couldn't believe it. This....this was her first kiss! And it was taken by Mikasa of all people. But to Annie, it's as if she wished for it. She realized how soft Mikasa's lips were and how soft her touches were. Annie always dreamed about such softness. And here it was, but better than Annie can ever ask for.
               Annie kisses Mikasa back and Mikasa moans slightly. After four minutes of that kiss, their lips finally departed. Mikasa looks deep into Annie's eyes and Annie did the same thing.
            Mikasa: "Annie"
            Annie (she touches her lips): "Mikasa.... you... you just.."
             Mikasa touched her lips as well and she looked down then back up.
            Mikasa: "I'm sorry I-"
            Mikasa was cut off by Annie because Annie kisses her. Mikasa gasps within their kiss because it surprised her, it caught her off guard. Then, their departed yet again.
             Annie (she touches Mikasa's lips): "You don't need to apologise for kissing me like you did. I actually....*she adverted her eyes away from Mikasa* liked it"
              Mikasa gasps because she never saw this side of Annie before. It was always cold and her emotionless expression on her face completely disgusted Mikasa hardcore. But....but this, this was the Annie no one ever got to see often. Let alone Mikasa of all people. Mikasa immediately removed Annie's hand from her lips.
              Annie: "*gasps* Mik-"
             Mikasa cuts her off with a kiss upon Annie's lips yet again. Annie closes her eyes halfway then completely. They kissed for awhile until air was important to them. They broke their kissing to breath. They pressed their foreheads together while smiling absolutely happily.
              End of their flashback:
              Annie and Mikasa both smiled as they remembered that event. Mikasa turns on her bed to face Annie's crystal.
              Mikasa: "You remember what happened after that, Annie?"
               Annie (from inside her crystal): "Of course I do Mikasa"
               Start of a new flashback:
               Soon after this had happened, Mikasa and Annie walks each other to their dorm rooms. They're dorm rooms were next to each other so they were close. They kissed one last time before entering their dorms. Not only that, they had to hurry with their last kiss because the boys were right behind them. They said their good nights to one another then off to bed for the night. The next day, Mikasa and Annie hanged out together a lot more than usual. Everyone was curious about it and how it happened. They even spared together, even though Annie taught Eren, she wanted to train and spare with Mikasa instead.
             They ate together as well, on the rooftop of course. Annie and Mikasa got along pretty darn well. But who would've known that Annie was going to be the Female Titan. Not Mikasa of course, but Reiner and Bertholdt did, yeah, they already knew alright. They just didn't say anything that's all probably. Annie didn't want this to end but sooner or later it will. But how will Mikasa and Annie prepare themselves for the path ahead of them?


              Author's note: I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I'll be making chapter 3 as soon as possible. Laters, I'll be seeing you soon in the next part of my book.

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