chapter 2

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i woke up with a smile on my face remembering i had the love of my life back.

the smile soon disapeared. monday.

i groaned and put the pillow on my face.

"okay. we can do this. we'll get through this."

i said that to myself and then started chanting

"we can do it" over and over but the last sentance was "im talking to myself ament i?"

i sat up and checked my phone,wow an actual message, from an actual person.

im not alone 😢

colton: morning sleeping beauty

i smiled and replied. haha he thinks i look nice when i wake up... psht NO... idiot

me:hi bae i'll cya in school xx

i cringed at the thought of school 'bullies' but then realized colton will be there to protect me... i hope, i'm still not fully sure i can trust him yet, i'll just have to find out.

i swung my legs over the edge of the bed and braced myself, i'm still sorta tired and so i figured ima take a shower to wake up.

i got up and walked to the bathroom. ignoring my family.

i soon was in the shower singing along to

'cant hang-sleeping with sirens'

i did my routeen and got out.

u checked my phone.

another message wow im famous i never get texts im a lonerrrr.

colton: ily cant wait to see u xx

i didn't reply cuz i'd just say somthing stupid like:

ye cya later. aligator 😉

cant wait to see ur face. and like hug and stuff 👲

or my all time favourite

im going to fuck u😐 like for real. u sexy zebra. fucking prepare.

so instead i just got dressed at first i looked like a high rainbow on craic then i dialed it down to wripped skinny jeans, starbucks tanktop, and converse

now for my makeup. at the start i looked like i got fucked by a horse shoe then i looked decent with only light makeup on and i curled my hair

(i'm over exagerating 'amy' is acc really pretty)

off to school i go

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