Deal or No Deal?

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+English Government Building+

A plane landed on the roof of a building gently. The door opens and the leader of the Red Army steps out. His presence intimidating enough to make the agents waiting for him mentally cower in fear. Paul and Patryk stepped out and stood behind him after taking care of the plane.

"Take me to the meeting room." Red Leader commanded the agents.

The two agents did as they were told, leading the intimidating man to the meeting room. The walk there took 20 minutes from the roof since they had to take an elevator down.

"Please wait here, sir. We need to inform them of your arrival."

Red Leader narrowed his eyes at the man, "Then get to it."

The agent pressed on his earpiece and spoke through his set. He nodded to the other's command on the other end. "All right sir, they're ready for you." The other agent opens the door for him to enter.

The Red Army leader stepped into the room smiling at the tense atmosphere and its occupants. "Greetings gentlemen, what a fine day for a meeting isn't it?"

No one made a sound. The three men just kept looking at him like he was some kind of bad hallucination. Until one of the government officials started speaking.

"What did you want to talk about Red Leader? Let's cut to the chase shall we." The man says trying to put on his brave face.

The dangerous man chuckled lowly. "Right off the bat huh... Fine then Major Scott." He sets his holopad down on the table. The others were surprised at his knowledge of the man's name when they haven't even introduced themselves yet. "I came here to offer England a deal."

"Why should we make a deal with the devil?!" Another general official asks holding back a growl. He crosses his arms to show his disagreement.

"Calm down Commander Richard." Another man by the name of Luke says. He looks at Red Leader calmly, "I'd like to hear what he has to say."

The man in uniform smiles, "Now that's what I like to here, Sergeant Major of the Army, Luke." Red Leader claps his hand slowly and lets them fade to a stop. "My deal is something you'll just love. As you know, I've been targeting England for a while to be one of my prized trophies."

The generals at the table had their hands clenched tightly at hearing their homeland being called a trophy.

"For reasons personally to myself, of course, I would love to win here, but I am willing to let England off my radar for a price..."

Everyone at the table had their eyes widen at the words heard from the man. "You will leave our Homeland alone?!" Scott questions.

Red Leader wagged his finger and clicks his tongue. "Ah ah, I said for a price of course." A smug smirk forming on his lips.

"At what price does it take for you to leave England alone?" Luke asks calmly, resting his hands on the table.

The horn hairstyle man turns to face him raising his index finger up. "One citizen from England."

There was a silent pause in the room. Red Leader approached the table again, picking up his holopad, typing something in.

"A person from England for the safety of our homeland," Richard says slowly to process what he heard. He could only think of the horrors of giving one of their citizens to this terrible man. "Why? What is the value of one our citizens to you?" His voice serious to match his facial expression.

Red Leader put down the device he is holding onto the table. "Let me tell you, gentlemen, a story to explain." He snaps his fingers together, activating his little device, to make a small red hologram of a faceless child appear standing on the table.

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