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I changed this WHOLE CHAPTER. the first part of the next chapter is the original chapter! Sorry for the confusion :) 


Do you ever think about what you have done, about what you are going to do? Does anyone really?

Do we all the the free right to become what we want? Or are we just empty shells just waiting to be controlled?

Can we control ourselves to do one thing, when everyone else tells you to do another?

Or are we just machines just programed to do what society tells us to do?

Well I am none of that. My name is Aiza and this is the story of how I became my own person. 


Hey guys! I totally changed this chapter! I will change the next chapter and upload it soon, soooo please tell me what you think and everything! 

anyway, this is dedicated to impervious_soul who is amazing! and she designed my cover! sooo shout out to her! (well i think shes a her... ) x) But yah! check her out and everything! Shes awesome! 

<3 Mai 

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