Chapter 1

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"Laura for the hundredth time get up..." the familiar sound of my mums voice bellowed up the stairs. My body shoots up a little, my heart hammering against my chest. Why couldn't she wake me up like in those cheesy books, with breakfast in bed.

"Laura so help me, you have to leave for college in 15 minutes.. hurry up" scrambling out of bed I begin to get ready for my first day back. I'd gotten so used to going to bed at 4am after binging on a tv series or films, then getting up sometime after 11am.

I give myself a once over before running down the stairs. My mousy brown hair falls about mid way down my back, my face is make up free mainly due to sleep being priority over it and my outfit consists of black high waisted jeans, a light grey jumper and some boots.

"Hallelujah, if you'd waited much longer I would've had to pour some cold water over you, 6 times I've asked you to get up. It's an early night for you tonight" my mum is a beautiful lady, I look nothing like her which is kinda annoying; but she says I don't look like my biological father either.

My mum sips on her coffee while packing her bag for work, she's a lawyer and a very good one at that. But it means she has to work late a lot, this is kind of annoying but it's what she likes doing.

"Laura you need to go, quit messing about" looking at the time I yell goodbye and race out the door. I slightly jog towards my bus stop, I almost scream when I just about see it at the other end of the road. I missed it by about a minute.

Taking my phone and headphones out of my bag I begin the long ass walk to college.
'I would like to get, to know you baby
Like to get, under your sexy body...'
my inner pop star coming out as I sing along to the lyrics. I do a weird dance walk kinda thing, I probably look ridiculous but I don't care.

Going through all the music on my phone twice before I finally made it to this hell hole. The car park was full with a variety of cars, a few people here and there, everyone else probably in lesson.

Doing a walk of shame towards the office wasn't fun, but I get along well with the staff in there so it should be good. "Hello mrs Jenkins, how was your summer?" The middle aged woman gave me a smile, "it's was good thank you Laura, and the weather was half decent for a change. I took the children to the beach when it was really sunny that week... anyway what are you doing arriving so late? And on the first day back"

Mrs Jenkins said she'd write a formal complaint to the bus company for being nearly 10 minutes early, obviously the story I told her had to be exaggerated slightly. She'd sent an email to my teacher explaining why I was late.

"Right darling here is your time table for the year, you didn't want a locker did you? There are a few still left but they're the crappy ones and probably aren't worth the £60 a term you students have to pay" mrs Jenkins was all for the students, well the good ones at least.

"So help me boy if one more word comes out of that mouth of yours I'll have you thrown into detention quicker then you can say 'fuck off'" the all to familiar voice of Mr Collins was loud and clear, he's the PE teacher here and is extremely strict.

Slamming the door open he walks in with Jake. Not to sound corny but he's like the bad boy of the school, everyone knows of him and there are plenty of rumours about what he's done. Some go as far as to say he killed his own brother.

Taking my things from mrs Jenkins I give her a smile and thank her. "Good luck" I whisper as I head towards the door. Walking past mr Collins I make sure to keep my head down, this however meant I wasn't exactly looking where I was going. This causing me to walk into Jake, I felt my body tense "sorry, I didn't see you there".

Instead of doing anything he just grunted as if to say he acknowledged me but I wasn't significant enough for an actual reply.

After embarrassing myself I practically ran to my lesson, 45 minutes late it could've been worse. Knocking on the door I walk in and nearly groan. The classroom is pretty much packed, taking the nearest empty seat I copy the notes off the board.

At the end of the lesson the teacher told me the small insignificant things that I'd missed and politely asked me not to repeat my extreme lateness again.

For a Monday my time table wasn't too bad. English lit first, an hour free, psychology then lunch and then fitness. Walking towards the library, I see a few new and familiar faces down the corridor.

Being me, I only ever really keep to myself. Sure I have friends but we aren't close or anything, my mum always complains about me never inviting friends over. I always make up excuses that they're always busy and I'm too tired and that.

I wave towards the librarian and make my way to the back of the library towards my corner. It's nothing special, a few tatty pillows but I'm surrounded by my favourite books. Taking it off the shelf I open the first page to Cassandra Claire's, city of bones.

The whole idea of another world amazes me and sometimes I wish was real. It would definitely make my life feel less boring. Having already read the books I know what to expect, but I still love the characters and the journey that they go on. Accepting and understanding who they are.

Looking at the time I sigh, you can get so lost in a story that you almost forget times passing you by, placing a bookmark and hiding the book under the pillow I begin making my way toward the psychology room. I'm not the first one there but I'm not the last, walking towards the back of the class I get my book out and make sure I'm prepared for the lesson ahead.

The room started to fill and I grew nervous not really recognising anyone from my class last year. Putting my head in my hands I breath out a frustrated breath. Although I love and excel at this class it's not the same without Evie, she kept me company in this class and was a good partner for any projects we did on studies.

"Ah Jake mandolin, nice of you to join us. Sit next to Laura in the back please" I saw him role his eyes as he made his way to the empty seat next to me.

This time I was able to get a good look at him, his dark hair styled nicely in a quiff, his blue eyes shining, he's tall yet broad. His outfit today consisted of a simple pair of jeans and a  plain top.

"Laura please share the notes you've made so far with Jake" miss Elvin said, her glasses falling down her nose slight forcing her to push them back up.

"I don't need the notes, bitch doesn't know anything" his voice slightly cold and monotone. Unsure as to what to say I tried to concentrate on what she was saying, something about a report I think.

"... okay you can all pack your belongings away, Laura and Jake can I have a word with you please" packing my belongings away I make my way towards miss Elvin. "Jake, Laura is one of our top pupils in psychology. I'd like it if you Laura would help Jake and maybe do some revision sessions outside of school maybe once or twice a week. I would like to see the work you complete over this time" this didn't sound like a bad idea, it should help me as well.

"I will be happy to do that, I'm free any day after school apart from Thursday" miss nodded and told us we could leave. "You're actually going to do this?" Jakes voice was harsh and he seemed quiet irritated.

"Well it will help both of us, you know it can help get you into a good university and get away from this place" Jake looked at me with a bit of bewilderment. "Meet me on Friday after school at Green water park. Can't be seen giving a dork like you a ride from college, people will get the wrong idea...."

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