another ordinary day

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Warnings: Homophobia, Domestic Violence, Abuse, Bullying, Cursing/Strong Language

-Edited- (1/20/2020)

"People don't cry because their weak.
They cry because they've been strong for too long"


It started as another typically ordinary day; or at least ordinary to me. I walked my usual route to school, passing the main building, making my way to the broken down, but homey building in the woods where I had made the best of my memories: Class 3-E.

If only the world was kind enough to allow me have at least one peaceful walk to school... Ever since I'd been enrolled to class 3-E, I'd become a target to the main school low lives. Just one day I silently pleaded as I quickly walked, head down, walking through their dangerous school grounds.

I really wasn't in the mood to take in the privileged kids' bullshit. The previous night, I'd gotten home around 8:40; 10 minutes past my curfew, due to some bastard at my part time job making a ruckus. And, or course, this had made my mother furious. She was sprawled across the couch when I got home, bottle of beer firmly gripped in hand, with a sea of discarded empty cans and bottles flooding the floor. She was drunk, as always, and didn't let me off without a few potentially purple bruises. And purple they did become, scattered across his back and chest where it wasn't noticeable to the public, covered by my uniform. 

"Just not today, please" I mumble, making my way across the school yard: almost there. 

"Hey Faggot" Dammit  I thought. "Where do you think you're going?" a gruff, demanding voice says from away, footsteps getting louder, closer. I look down, speeding up, too scared to even look back, panicking. Only hoping that they'll just leave me alone this one day and let me go. 

Thump, thump, thump, thump, my heart feels as if it's going thousands of miles per hour. Not today, not today, not today-

"Hey! I'm talking to you bitch" he spits, more bite than before, I've angered himwarning signs blaring in my brain. My shoulder is suddenly grabbed from behind, and I find my body being spun around 90 degrees to come face to face with Arlo and his gang.

Startled, my eyes widen at what I've now come face to face with. There's more people than the other days. I'm going to die, no joke, or... at least get beaten to the brink of death. 

Their mocking me:

"...Fairy...Nancy...Whore...Brainless Slut... "

I try to ignore them. I try, I really do.

Until, one of the boys grab me and push me down, into the hard concrete.  Kicking  my stomach, right where the bruises I received from the previous night were hiding. Coughing up blood, I'm trying my best not to break face. I try to hold it in, I can do this, I can handle it, as long as I can have fun with the rest of Class 3-E, as long as they only attack me, I'm fine with it. I deserve it anyways... ((or, at least that's what he believes. ))

"Your just a useless cunt that looks like a girl, probably off selling yourselves for money with the other Class 3-E whores after school" laughed Arlo amidst the one sided struggle.

This, I couldn't ignore.
Causing me to jerk up, immediately feeling the shock of pain from the injuries - probably not going to heal for a month or so -. HOwever, right now, the pain didn't matter. It was alright if Arlo beat me, it was alright if he abused my body, it was all alright... however it was NOT alright that he brought my friends into this. 

On pure instinct alone, I dash towards Arlo, nimbly dodging all his minions, tackling him with the full force of my small body slamming into his. I punch him. Hard, with all of my held back anger towards Arlo bundled into it. However, unfortunately, for me, I wasn't the strongest, unlike Karma. 

Smirking, Arlo looked up from the ground he was laying on with I found myself to be straddling him. "Dang. I didn't know you were this needy for sex!" he says in an almost amused tone, as if he actually believed I'd ever wanted to get fucked by his probably walnut sized dick. 

"Why can't you just leave me the fuck alone Arlo?!" I yell, my composure breaking. "I know I'm just a good for nothing fag, I know I'm just a waste of space, I know that no one really cares for me" I exclaim, voice breaking. "I know already! So I don't need you shoving it into my face"shit, Arlo's gonna kill me
I tried to throw another punch at Arlo. But, before I got the chance to, I was pinned down by one of the other bullies, and beaten until the bell rang for school to start.

Barely even managing to even move my numb, bloodied self, I whispered to myself "It's going to be alright. Stay strong, no one wants a annoying crybaby. Nothing happened. Everything's okay"

I needed to get to school, but my injuries weren't very compliant with that decision at the moment. I wanted to go home, but if I did, my mother would inevitably find out that I skipped and kill me. But, I didn't want my classmates seeing me in this condition... fuck it.

Class 3-E:

"So Nagisa is the only one absent today?" Koro-sensei questioned the class followed by many worried glances on the students' faces. Nagisa almost never absent, and if he was sick he would've already contacted Karasuma or Koro-sensei  by now, being the good student he was.

"I'm pretty sure Nagisa is alright class... he's probably just sick and forgot to call in or something" Koro-sensei said, although highly worried about the student himself, had to calm the others down.


I'd made a quick trip to the nearby pharmacy after recomposing myself and cleaned up my wounds, wrapping any bloodied cuts with gauze.  Luckily for me, there were no injuries on my face, the only truly visible part of my body.

By the time I was all patched up and ready for school, I'd been a good 30 minutes before lunch. Despite the dirt that littered my school uniform, I looked perfectly fine.


Just as I was finishing explaining the last math problem, Nagisa walked in...
"Speak of the devil" I muttered as I looked the boy up and down, analyzing his condition.
"Nagisa... what happened to you?"I asked while studying the usually perfect uniform that was now tattered.

"Nothing.....I just fell down a tree...yeah...that's it" Nagisa replied seemingly nervously.
I gave him a questioning look, but decided not to pursue my doubts as he gave me his signature happy smile.
"Don't worry sensei, I'm fine, really"

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