breaking point

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"They ask. "How are you doing?"
But what they really mean is
"Are you over it yet?"
My lips say  "I'm fine, thanks".
But my eyes tell a different story.
My heart sings a different tune.
And my soul just weeps."

3rd person pov
Nagisa woke up to the strong sun rays piercing his eyes through the hospital curtains.
Nagisa groaned as he got up feeling some back pains as he heard the door open with a creak.

Nagisa pov
Startled, I looked in the direction of the door and saw my best friend Karma enter along with Kayano and Sugino.

Again putting on my signature fake smile that fooled everyone, I waved at them not showing my pain.

"H-hello..nagisa..." Kayano stuttered as she walked closer to the bed
"How have you been? Do you feel any pain?
Is there anything I can help with?" Kayano asked nearly yelling in my face.

"Don't worry about anything Kayano, I'm doing fine. And I'm feeling better everyday thanks to your guys support!" I answered making her cheer up a little.

"Just tell us if theres anything you need help on and we'll try our best to hel-"
Sugino was then cut off by Karma

"Yeah yeah blah blah blah enough of that crap, tell me Nagisa who did this to you! Tell me and stop lying! Just let me beat those bastards up!" Shouted Karma slamming his fist onto the bed.

"K-karma its ok....really you don't need t beat anyone my own fault so just please let it go..." I answered trying not to show my true emotions.

"Fine. But someday You WILL tell me who." Said Karma as he stormed out the door probably frustrated.

"K-karmas right....please tell us when you're ready Nagisa...alright?:)" said Kayano with a heart warming smile.

"Sure;)" I answered smiling as they left.

Yeah....i'll tell them eventually I thought as tears started streaming down my face. T-T

-Time skip!-
3rd person pov
Please tell us whats wrong Nagisa His classmates asked with worried faces...

"W-well the truth is.....I-I can't stand it anymore! Im constantly bullied and....and no one really needs me i should just die already!" Nagisa yelled breaking up into a fit of tears.

Nagisa finally got the courage to look up to see his classmates faces laughing....LAUGHING!!! At him!

"Haha! Look at wittle baby Nagi crying!"
Kayano said sneering at him

"Your just a pathetic weakling thats holding all of us back! Sugino yelled spitting on his face.

"Maybe you really should  just Kill yourself!" Karma snickered as Nagisa looked at him with horror written all over his face was just like last time....

Nagisa woke up with cold sweat.
Panting, he sat up looking at his shaking hands.....maybe they are right.....
Maybe i really should just leave this world so everyone can be happier without a piece of trash to hold them down.

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