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This is dedicated to @Yusqueen! Thanks for the joke!

2 ways to deal with a monster...

1. Run for your life and hope the 10 ft monster wont skin you and roast you above a fire before he tears you limb by limb and stuffs it into his foul smelling mouth that can knock out an army with its mere breath...


1. Call the monster

2. Hire someone to tame the monster that cannot be tamed to not kill you and hope that your worker will not get eaten alive. (despite the fact that that was what happened to the last 15 workers)

3. Gather an audience

4. Allow the monster tho walk among the audience and kill about 2 or 3

5. Just as its about to kill one more... Walk in dressed in shining amour and slaughter the monster just as its about to kill a pretty girl

6. Everybody will love you

7. You will live forever in a masive castle with the girl of your dreams

8. The end

9. In your dreams

10. AMEN...

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