Rubbing alcohol

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Raven slowly picked Beast Boy up, and held him close to her. She rose up and began to fly in the direction of the tower, but stopped and turned to the Boys. "Star and I will meet you two back at the tower, okay?" Raven said before turning around and flying off.
"Slade is such a zorrgnarg." Starfire said angrily.
"Tell me about it." Raven said, pretending to understand what she meant. Tears began to flood Ravens eyes again.
"Oh, do not worry friend Raven. We will fix him up, he will be okay." Star said, clasping her hands together.
"He was a jerk tonight, but I was a bigger one. I should have let him apologize. He was trying to do the right thing, and I was too upset to let him even get a word out. I almost lost him tonight. All of us almost lost him." Raven sighed. Starfire let out a sigh as well, not sure of what to say.
Raven gazed down at Beast Boys blood stained face. She put her forehead to his and let a tear fall on his cheek. Beast Boy began to move, regaining consciousness. Raven jumped back, a bit startled, but she still held onto him tightly. He looked down at the city below him and started to panic. He squeezed his eyes shut and began to sob uncontrollably.
"G-get away from me! Raven, Cyborg! S-Star! Ro-obin!" He screamed as he thrashed his good arm at Raven. Raven tightened her grip on Beast Boy, afraid of dropping him.
"Gar! Hey, it's me! It's okay you're safe!" Raven said as she moved her face to the side, avoiding Beast Boys punches. Beast Boy began to breath heavily. He stopped his attack as soon as he heard Ravens voice.
"I'm sorry." Beast Boy whispered, embarrassed that he had a meltdown in front of the two girls.
"Yes, Raven is correct, you are safe. The mean man can no longer harm you." Starfire said reassuringly.
Beast Boy tried to lift his left hand onto his stomach, but his shoulder wouldn't allow him to. He winced at the pain.
"Don't move, you're hurt. You'll be okay." Raven said, gilding her thumb lightly across Beast Boys shoulder affectionately.
That didn't hurt his shoulder, but it sure did tickle. He remained quiet, appreciating that she was being nice.
He looked up only with his eyes at Ravens face. He never really realized how beautiful she was.
Finally reaching the tower, all three of them entered. Raven slowly lowered Beast Boy onto the couch. Robin and Cyborg entered the room not long after the other three got there. Cyborgs face was red and his fists where clenched.
"Shit!" Cyborg screamed, grabbing their tv remote and throwing it across the room. "I'm going back out there and finding Slade! He's not gunna get away with this. I swear to god I'll kill him."
"Hey! Don't you dare leave. You know how stupid it would be if you went after Slade alone. You want to help Beast Boy? Go grab the bandages and rubbing alcohol." Raven ordered.
Cyborg clenched his teeth, but followed her directions quickly. The words "rubbing alcohol" made Beast Boy groan. He knew that was going to hurt more than receiving the cuts.
"Robin, go get a new shirt and some towels." Robin nodded and left as well.
"You're going to help me Star. Help him into a sitting position." Star gently slipped an arm underneath him and grabbed his hand, helping him up. She then rotated him so that his back was against the back of the couch.
"Ow..." Beast Boy groaned.
"I'm sorry Beast Boy, but this is going hurt. We need to get your shirt off." Raven said. Beast Boy nodded slowly and slipped off his gloves. Raven removed his belt and untucked his shirt. "Raise your right arm." She ordered. Beast Boy did so. Raven tugged on the right side of his shirt, than began to tug at the top off his sleeve. She finally slipped his shirt of off his arm and over his head. Beast Boy inhaled when the cloth rubbed on the cut on his arm. "Hurry please boys!" Raven called. Raven slowly peeled his long sleeve off of his left shoulder and off his arm.
"A-hooow." Beast Boy whined. His whining began to annoy Raven, but she also didn't blame him. She couldn't begin to imagine how the pain he's feeling feels like.
She gasped a bit at the sight of his stomach. The cut was ugly and bleeding heavily. At least the slash missed his belly button. It'll remain an adorable outie.
Robin and Cyborg both entered the living room at the same time. "Here Raven." Robin said handing her a baggy buff cut and towels. Cyborg set the alcohol and bandages next to Beast Boy. Cryborg ran his fingers through
Beast Boys hair playfully and smiled at him, managing to calm down a bit. Beast Boy let out a small chuckle and weakly looked up at his friend.
"Beast Boy, didn't I tell you to-" Robin said before being cut off.
"Shh! We can talk about that later. He could have died tonight, Robin. Just be happy he's still alive." Raven said sternly. Robin nodded and kept quite. "We're going to start with the biggest cut first, okay? Just to get it over with."
Beast Boy nodded in agreement. Raven walked over to the kitchen and wet a small towel. She walked back to Beast Boy, and began to clean his stomach from blood. She wiped the last bit of blood away from where the cut was. It bled a bit still, but not nearly as badly as before. Raven took a clean towel and wet it with rubbing alcohol.
She sighed. "You ready?" She asked.
"Mhm." Beast Boy lied. Cyborg sat next to Beast Boy and held his hand. Beast Boy buried his face into Cyborgs shoulder and squeezed his hand. "Okay." Beast Boy mumbled. Raven ran the towel across the cut and cleaned it as good as possible. Beast Boy winced and let hot tears stream down his face. It has been a very long time since Beast Boy has cried this much in one day. It stung, so bad. Cyborg moved to the side, allowing Raven to wrap Beast Boys torso with bandages. She proceeded to do the same with the cut on his arm. Starfire held his left arm up as Raven wrapped the bandage under his armpit and over his shoulder multiple times. Raven cleaned the blood from his forehead and nose. She wrapped the top of his head in a bandage, the blood quickly seeping though. She put him in the the baggy buff cut that went past his hips, and took off his shoes and pants, leaving him in his plaid boxers. He was a bit uncomfortable, but he knew this was necessary. Raven quickly treated his ankle and thigh.
"There we go, all bandaged up!" Raven said, proudly. Beast Boy used his right arm to pull her into a hug.
"Thank you." Raven was surprised, but quickly returned the hug.
"You should get some rest." Raven was about to pick him up, but locked her gaze on her bloody hands. "Can you walk?"
Beast Boy shrugged his shoulder. He used his good arm to push him up, but a shock of pain shot through his leg and he began to feel dizzy. He fell back onto the couch and let out a gasp.
"I got him." Robin said. He softly picked his team member up. Now Beast Boy really felt uncomfortable, but at this point, he needed all the help he could get.
"Goodnight bud." Cyborg said.
"Goodnight friend Beast Boy!" Starfire shouted, making his headache worse.
"Goodnight." Raven said before turning around and walking towards the sink.
Robin carried him effortlessly to Beast Boys room. He softly placed him on his bed, allowing him to get under his covers.
"We'll talk about this tomorrow, okay? Just get some sleep. I'm glad you're alright." Robin said, patting him on his good shoulder.
"Goodnight Robin."
"Goodnight, Beast Boy." Robin said before switching of the lights.

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