chapter 4

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Finally when lou and I part, we all decide to go to my house to grab my things for the trip to England. it definitely wasn't my idea to bring them to my house, for it was my silly father who some times forgets how much of a phycopath my mom is.

Were just now arriving at my house and my hearts racing. looking down at my shaking hands as i slide one of them over to the door handle. i gently push open the car door, stepping onto the freshly cut grass. Harry slids over a bit to follow me but i stop him.

"please just, stay here." i say, giving him a concerned look on his face. shutting the car door, i make by way through the lawn and up the few steps we have leading to the painted white wooden door. before we bought the house it was blue but we decided to paint over it.

i slowly but surely open the door, making sure i gently close it. when i turn around i run right into my mom, who is as drunk as i was that night on holloween. me and my old group of friends went around scaring little kids in princess and pirate costumes. oh it was great.

"where have you been?" She asks in a horrid tone followed with a terrible smokers cough. in her hand is a drink and a cigarette, like always.

"just with dad." i say trying to shake her off. i start to walk quickly back to my room but she grabs my arm, forcing me back to face her. a leg is kicked out from under me, making me fall to my knees. i wince in pain as a cold hand flys acrossed my left cheek. then my right. over and over again until I'm in tears.

"p-please.. stop.." a whispered voice barely escapes my mouth before getting kicked once, twice, three times in the stomach. when she finally stops i quickly get up and run to my bedroom, slaming the door and locking it. i grab the suit case from under my bed and start throwing my cloths into it. i get about half way into zipping it before there was a huge bang. next thing i know my door is on the ground, posters scattered everywhere, and im laying down with her on top of me. her hands go around my neck and it gets harder and harder to breathe.

i can see the light.. its just right there.. is this the end? Do i finally get to leave the world behind me? the lights getting closer, i hope the boys know that i love them.. and kirsten. and dad. and the baby who dad doesn't know about yet whos in kirsten belly right now. i hope you have a wonderful life little girl or boy.

Her hands are getting tighter, and tighter, before she stops. she takes her hands off from around my neck and starts punching my face. over and over again. i can taste blood forming on my lip, and my eyes are swollen shut. well, almost swollen shut. out of my barely opened brown orbs, i see someone barge in through the open doorway....

Who will it be??;) -H.H.

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