chapter 1

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My body erupts from a heavy sleep, leaving me to stare at my empty ceiling. If only i could sleep forever. I wouldn't have to face this day. My birthday.

I reach for my phone on my lop sided table with one eye open. Sliding my finger acrossed the lock screen, I slowly check my notifications. A text from my mum telling me how much of a failure I am at one this morning pops up, I know she was drunk like always. Then all my twitter messages, some telling me to stay strong, and others telling me I'm worthless. Ha. People think I still care.

I let my feet drag me out of my bed and I stumble to my door, phone still in hand. Taking a quick look around my simple room, my eyes fix on the small Tv next to the closet. The bed is right under my window. I let out a small sigh, taking my attention back to the white piece of wood that stands before me. My hand grips the knob and I turn it, throwing the door open. I step into the hallway light quickly as I slam it behind me.

Murmurs are heard in my mothers room, her and her one night stand. They probably met at the bar, where they most likely fucked and then came back here to do it again. The things I sleep through...

Pushing the thoughts from my head, I make my way to the kitchen, looking at all the family pictures that hang on the walls of the narrow hallway. As I pass my moms room, the thick wooden door flys open. In the doorway stands a man about twice my height with a quite large pop belly. He glares down at me for a second before angrily pushing his way past me, knocking me to the cold hard floor. I stare down at the ground for a second before hearing the front door slam.

"What's your ass doing down there?" I hear my mothers stone cold voice say above me. Quickly I get back on my feet, turning my head and fulfilling my journey to the kitchen. Pulling a bowl out from cabinet, I pour a small bit of corn flakes and a bash of milk. Eating only a few bites before a loud knock is heard against the front door, I go and answer it. Behind the white wooden door stands my dad. His normal blond curly hair is shaved, leaving little stubble's on the top.

"Hey bug, happy birthday." He says in a cheerful voice that makes me want to puke. How can someone be so happy in this ruined world that we are forced to live in? Well, time to fake a smile.

"Thank you." I mumble, making that grin appear that everyone seems to like. Everyone but me.

"I was wondering if you'd like to spend the day with me at Kirstens? We have a surprise for you when we get there." He asks casually, staring at me for my responce. I shake my head up and down, making his smile grow larger.

"Sure, do you mind if I change real fast?" I ask looking up to his slightly wrinkled face. He nods and I run back to my room, fumbling through my drawers until finally picking out an outfit. Slipping off my leggings and faded tee shirt, I jump into the skinny jeans I threw on my bed. Then I pull my bra around my waist, hooking the clips and slipping on a plain black long sleeved shirt. Slipping my toes through my cold flipflops, I walk out and into the small bathroom. Yellow paint plasters the walls. I brush through my ratted brown locks and part it as usual. When I'm all finished, I walk to to the living room. I see my mother sleeping on the couch as I open to front door heading out to my dads car. Walking down the steps and onto the grass, I make my way to the silvery car before me. My hand slids onto the handle and I open the door, stepping in carefully. After I shut the door I pull my seat belt over my chest and click it into the other thingy. I feel his hand be thrown around my shoulders as we take off down the deserted gravel road.

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