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"20 year old male found in a home, alone, won't wake up, still breathing, house was in bad condition, no open wounds." i read on the injury form.

"did someone find him or how was the ambulance called? im confused." i asked the nurse.

"a guy named Jack found him and immediately called 911, said he's a good friend of shawn." the nurse janet said.

shawn. his name is shawn.

"alright, let's go take a look at him." i said as we walked into the room that the EMT's had taken shawn to.

he was in a plain black t shirt, gray sweats and some worn out vans. he had dark circles under his eyes, and he looked rather pale.

"alright, lets get going."


after shawn had waken up, and after we had done a little work on him, i was soon able to question him.

i sat in a fold up chair next to him.

"so, shawn, do you know why you're here?" i asked him.

he looked at me for a second, then looked at his hands that lied in his lap.

he stayed silent, as if he hadn't heard me. i didn't want to make him feel pressured, but i needed some answers out of him.

from what we found out, he had overdosed on some sleeping medicine that seems like it had been prescribed. when the police showed up to the scene, they looked around the house a little and soon came across an empty pill bottle not far from where shawn had been found. it was a prescription, but not for shawn. the name on the bottle was ripped off, not being able to see it.

"shawn, you can open up to me. i know you dont know me, and i dont know you, but i promise ill listen. and i wont judge you." i said calmly.

he looked at me again, this time with a different face. he looked as if i'd just judged him right there, but then his face dropped. almost to a blank expression. he sighed, and ran his left hand through his hair, his right hand having an IV in it.

"ok, things were hard. i didn't feel like i belonged here anymore, so i tried to put an end to it." he said, his voice cracking.

i frowned, i hate having to hear things like this. it breaks my heart. even though ive only been a doctor, not even a doctor really, for barely 5 months, ive seen and heard things ill never be able to remove from my brain.

"im so sorry you felt that way, do you care to tell me why you felt like that?" i asked, trying my hardest not to push my luck.

"it's a lot to explain." he said.

"i have time." i said, looking at the clock hanging up on the wall.

"my girlfriend, i knew she had been cheating, but i forced myself to try and believe that she was faithful. which i knew was false. but when i caught her cheating, that's when i completely lost it. lost my mind, lost my heart, lost my faith in humanity. completely." he said, tears on the verge of leaving his beautiful brown eyes.

"im so sorry shawn. this breaks my heart hearing this." i said, feeling ready to cry myself.

"tell me about it." he mumbled.

i sighed, looking at the ground. i wanted to know more about him, but it's gonna take time to get him to really open up. besides, its not really my place to learn personal things about him. im just his doctor.

"Doctor Grande, we got some important mail for you." one of the front desk ladies said, peeping her head in the door.

"alright shawn, i'll be back in to check on you sooner than later." i said.

"ok. thank you for listening Doctor." he said with a weak smile.

"ariana, you can call me ariana." i said returning the smile.

his smile grew a little wider, and i walked out.

ok so im currently working on two completely brand new stories im not sure how this is gonna work out OOPS.

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