Just Not My Day

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Ginger pushed my door open carrying a tray of my lunch. I was excited to see her today. Today was the day, after ten days of being separated from her, I would get to see Dalilah. I was glad to see Ginger here instead of the other nurse. The other one always brought my mood down, but with Ginger it's the opposite. Ginger came up to my bed side and set the tray down, without meeting eye contact. "Good morning, Ginger?" I said trying to get her to lighten up.

"Good morning, Ms. Miller." She replied coldly. She didn't seem quite like herself today. "Are you alright?" I questioned, but she only nodded. I reached for her arm as she started to walk away and whipped her around. "No. You're not." She bit her lip quietly and sat next to me.

"Have you heard?" I could see tears forming in her eyes.

"About what?" I looked at her quizically as a silent, single tear fell down her cheek into her lap.

"I'm not sure if I should be the one to tell you."

"Tell me about what? I won't be angry, if you would only tell me what it's about." I couldn't understand why she was being so negative. I could sense it was about me, but then why was she crying? She barely knows me? "It's about, Dalilah." I shot her a look of misunderstanding, then my heart dropped. "Dalilah? Why? What's wrong with her? Is she okay?" The words rolled off my tongue.

"I-I-I don't know anything, Ms. Miller."

"You just said you knew something a minute ago!" Dr. Poct boomed into the room and looked at Ginger, sitting on my bed. As if on command, Ginger instantaneously stood up and wiped her skirt. "Ms. Miller? Are you alright?" He questioned me as if I was the one doing wrong.

"What's happened to Dalilah?"

"You're going to see her once you finish your lunch, so hurry up! I know you don't want to miss this day!" I threw the tray off my lap and into the wall facing me. Ginger shrieked and backed away from the bed, as Dr. Poct grabbed my arm. I yanked my arm to get out of his grasp and ended up yanking out an IV in my left arm. "Ms Miller!" I threw my legs over the edge of the bed and weakly tried to stand. My knees buckled a little, but once I got them straight, I was set. I began walking around my bed to go towards the door, but Ginger tried to stop me. "Ashlyn! Stop!"

"Get off of me!" I yelled back at her sweet, loving face.

"You could hurt yourself!" And that's exactly what I did. I shoved her to the ground, ripping another IV out, but it ripped my skin, too. A line of blood started to form on my arm, but I kept moving. Dr. Poct ran to the other side of the bed to stop me. He wrapped his arms around my and squeezed me. "Get off! Now!" I demanded to him. It felt like he was trying to lift me, but kept dropping me. I knew he wasn't doing it on accident, because he was fairly strong. You don't need to be very strong to pick someone up who is about one hundred and five pounds! I finally wriggled free and he let go of my body, but held onto my shoulders. "Ashlyn. You are going nowhere. You could hurt yourself."

"Let go!" I demanded. My fingers crumpled together to a fist and probably broke his nose. He let go of me to grasp his nose I made a run to the door. I swung it open and looked around the hallway. It seemed peaceful, except for me. I flipped a coin in my head and decided to go left. I ran down the hall until I reached a door, that rnag a loud buzzer until it closed. I heard my room door fly open and hit the wall as soon as I closed the door I was exited through. I jogged down another hall and took a sharp right after about three doors had passed. My legs were starting to go numb, but somehow I kept running. I burst through another door, which thankfully lead into the lobby. "Miss?" The front desk lady looked at me suspiciously.

"Yes. Hello. Where is the nearest children's hospital?"

"Are you looking for someone inparticular?"

"Yes. Dalilah Rose Miller." The woman typed the name into her keyboard and scrolled through the names. "Quickly please."

"Found her!" The woman called out as soon as I finished my sentence. She turned the screen towards me and I saw my child's beautiful face, mangled. Unrecognizable. Blood smeared everywhere. A bandage around her little head. I almost broke into tears until the woman explained to me that they took the picture right when they found her in the ambulance. I saw in the bottom right corner it said "Located: Lily Pond Hospital" I recognized the hospital from when I was young. Nice, pretty nurses. Unlike here. Kind, not perverted doctors. Good meals. TVs. Soft beds. I hope she is having a better day than I am. "Where is that exactly?" I pulled my eyes away from the screen to meet eyes with the kind woman.

"Just down the street. 2014."

"Thank you!" I ran straight for the doors and into the snowing gray sky. I always get this weather don't I? I ran into the parking lot and turned to look back at the address. 2010. Good. Just four buildings to past. My feet were just about frozen when I arrived 2013. Just one more building. I saw the parking lot was just as big as my hospital's, if not bigger. Which worried me. I kept going anyway.

I was surprised that the woman at the front desk didn't question me before. If you had seen a distraught woman run from the back of the hostpital to the front and ask for another hostpital, wouldn't you question her sanity? Thank goodness she didn't.

Almost there. Halfway through the parking lot and I would be safe inside. My feet felt numb from the snow and my snot sickles kept poking my mouth. Gross isn't it? But I would go to any measure to find my daughter.

As I pulled up to this half empty parking lot, I was excited. I passed a cream colored BMW and by the looks of it. Had been there a long time. The windows weren't frosted because someone had recently used the windshield wipers, but I didn't see someone in the car. There was no snow beneath the car, which showed that it had been there before it started snowing. I was distracted by this mysterious car that I didn't notice the van behind me. Until a rag went over my mouth and nose. I tried to scream, but the rag and hand muffled my cries for help. I began to hyperventilate, which made everything worse. The rag smelt like urine, the most unpleasant smell. And something else I could quite grasp. The man picked up my body as I began to fall to my knees. The snow, urine stench, and my weakness all added up. Blood? I think that was the other smell in the rag. He carried me not a far way and I closed my eyes. I began to black out when I felt my body go flying into the back of the van. I landed on the floor and, thankfully, the rag fell off my face. I began to open my eyes to see a blury image of a man in the back of the van with me. "Ashlyn!" He yelled to me. He was sitting straight up, like he didn't have a care in the world, but once I was thrown in there he began crawling towards me. "What were you doing?"

"Da-Da-Dali-Lil." I could barely keep my eyes open, let alone keep my mouth working.

"Hey you two! Shut up!" I opened my eyes a little bit more to see two more men sitting in the driver's and passenger's seat. I looked around the back for a little while and looked in direction of the man who called my name. His brown eyes were beautiful and his long brown hair was flowing infront of his face. It took me forever, but I finally realized who I was staring at. "Nixon?" I whispered. He flashed a smile towards me.

"I told you to shut up! Jerry." The man, apparently named Jerry, unbuckled himself from the passenger's seat and grabbed a slim, light brown item. He waved the item in his hand until Nixon looked up. "Night night." Jerry called before I went black.

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