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So I was just fucking sitting down while I sketch. Then I was fucking thirsty so when I was about to motherfucking stand up this fucker of a table has a motherfucking blade on the edge A MOTHERFUCKING BLADE. HOW THE HOLY FUCK THIS TABLE HAVE BLADES ON THE FUCKING EDGE!!!  this table is a glass type (it's my grandma's table, yes I'm at my grandma's) so it slice through my fucking knee. FUCKING SLICE THROUGH MY KNEE. Well.....side knee on my left leg. It's like one itch long. MY FUCKING SKIN JUST TORN OUT LIKE A PIECE OF PAPER. and I fucking see my motherfucking flesh and its kinda deep what the flying fuck!  SINCE WHEN DO WE HAVE A MOTHER FUCKING TABLE WITH BLADES ON THE EDGE!!! I'm sorry for my cursing. I can't help it when this kind of stuff happens. It's not that I'm a clumsy person. Cuz I'm not. Fucking not. Uhhggrrrrr.  Wanna this piece of shit?  Here 👇 but if you don't wanna see this nasty thing don't look at it. Warning it's nasty as fuck

My mother will fucking flip at me when she sees this

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My mother will fucking flip at me when she sees this...... ughr... she will scold at me for a whole day...... whole week..... WHOLE YEAR.......MY FUCKING WHOLE LIFE UNTIL THIS PIECE OF SHIT IS GONE. MOTHERFUCKING HELL!!! that grey nasty thing is my piece of a fucking skin. I washed that a while ago it FUCKING stings. Uhggggrrrrrrrrrr

But I like the pain. I like it how i pull my skin and the pain stings. FUCKING like it.

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