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Taehyung POV

Jungkook looked at me and I looked at him through half closed eye lids. Jungkook started to lay back down, very slowly. I groan, "your cramping my sleeping position," I whine and push Jungkook right onto his pillow. I could feel the friction between my knee and his groin. "Kim fucking Taehyung you are such a little..." Jungkook trailed off, unable to finish his sentence. I open my eyes and move up Jungkook's body. "What?" I ask innocently, Jungkook gives me the evil eye.  "Don't act to innocent," Jungkook growls. 

I give him a confused look, "what?" I ask innocently. Jungkook looks away, I pout and rest my head on his shoulder. Jungkook plays with my hair, "you are too cute some times," he whispers, I smile at this. "You think I'm cute?" I mumble, I feel Jungkook's lips on my forehead, "yeah," he mumbles back. I drift off into a sweet slumber.

I wake up, it's still dark, I look at the clock, it was about three in the morning. "Hey Kookie, you awake?" I ask. "Mhm, I woke up five minutes ago," Jungkook yawns, "did I wake you?" He asks, I shake my head. I feel Jungkook's hands around my waist tighten, the sound of the door bell rang through the house. "The fuck is coming up to my door at this hour?" Jungkook asks sleepily, he tries to get up but I don't let him. "They'll go away," I whisper, Jungkook sighs and starts to sit up, I whine. 

The door bell rings again, Jungkook now sits up, throwing his legs over the side of the bed. I wrap my arms his neck and pull myself closer to Jungkook. "Tae..." Jungkook whispers in my ear, the person starts to ring the door bell more frequently, knocking on the door. "Carry me," I yawn. Jungkook stands up, holding me by my butt. I rest my head on his shoulder, "your so nice to me," I whisper in his ear.

We get to the door and Jungkook puts me down to open the door. He points to behind the door, I go there. Jungkook opens the door, "took you long enough," the person growled. "Who are you and what do you want?" Jungkook asks. "You are Jeon Jungkook?" The other person checks, "who's asking?" Jungkook snarls, getting angry. "I am looking for Bac Jisung, Kim Seokjin and Min Emily," the person growled. I flinched when he used my dead name, "sorry, I live alone," Jungkook apologises.

The person takes a step forward, I move further into the darkness, I could see the person's face, they look familiar. "If you live alone then why did it take you so long to get to your god damn door?" The person questions. "I don't know maybe cause it's fucking three in the morning?" Jungkook growled. "I would like you to leave, I do not know who those people are nor have I ever heard of them in my entire life, I do not live with anyone and probably never will," Jungkook snaps. "For someone who lives alone has a lot of people over, I know some of them where the people I am looking for," the person accuses. 

"Stalking is a criminal offence, and I have surveillance cameras, I will walk your ass right now to court if you do not leave me alone." Jungkook points to the cameras. "If I see you around here again I will be calling police," Jungkook growls and closes the door. I was shaking from their conversation. Jungkook walks over to me and picks me up again, carrying me up the stairs, I was shaking so hard I thought Jungkook would drop me.

Jungkook lays me on his chest, "it's okay Tae," Jungkook comforts, "h-he knew my d-dead n-name," I stutter. Jungkook wraps his arms around my waist. "He won't come here again," Jungkook assures, "he looked familiar. Like I should know him for some reason..." I trail off, trying to remember. Then it hits me, "h-he was m-my b-b-brother!" I exclaim. Jungkook hums, "he won't come back TaeTae, don't worry, if he tries to then I'll walk his ass down to court," Jungkook whispers.

I smile, still shaking but calming down. "Talk about family reunion," I joke, Jungkook gives a short laugh. I move myself up to I could look I'm Jungkook's eyes. "Hello Tae," Jungkook said quietly. I blinked slowly, "hello Kookie," I whisper. I move my face into the crook of his neck, is was really warm. I could feel his heart rate increase, imagine if I gave him something really to get his heart going. 

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