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Taehyung POV

We all jump out the window, the wind sails in my hair as I fall, the vampires hit the floor and roll, breaking their fall. I fall and land on my two feet, softly. Jungkook stands up from his roll, "come on, there's a way out of here through the maze," Jungkook says, and we start running across the green grass. We get to the maze and Jungkook leads the way through the green hedges. There was a loud noise, a whistling noise and everything distorts, suddenly the green hedges were brown and dead, the sky was orange, everything seemed dead. Jungkook was still leading us through the maze. I look up when I hear the sound of planes over head, when I look back around me, it's only Jungkook and I. He grabs my shoulders "Taehyung, do you want to die today? Keep fighting... it doesn't have to end like this. Wake up! Make the right choice," Jungkook yells at me.

I feel like I was waking up from a dream. I was still walking in a line, basically crouching, trying to be hidden. I look across at the pastel pink bench where I first tempted Jungkook, the world distorted again, only for a second, the pink bench was painted red with blood, the hedges once again dead. I stop moving, I look up and over the dead hedges. My parents are walking across the field, right toward the maze, they had vampire trackers. I am brought back to the real world, "TAEHYUNG MOVE!" Yoongi whisper shouts. I move out the way, 'Jungkook's' words float in my head for a bit.

I get a dizzy spell and then I knew what to do. "Jungkook, you lead the rest of your friends to the way out," I order. Jungkook looks at me with concern, "Taehyung, your coming with us," Jungkook insists. I shake my head "trust me, my parents are out there and they're going to find us, I'll hold them off. I'll find you," I reassure. Jungkook sighs, "I trust you," he whispers, I peck his lips and I hear Hoseok fanboy in the background. Jungkook leads the vampires away and I walk in the opposite way. I get out of the maze. My parents are standing in front of me.

It was time for a family reunion.

"Well, if it isn't the disappointment," my mother spits, "I want you to leave me, and my friends alone," I snap. "These vampires are your friends now? How more sick can you get?" My father asks, "I'm not the sick one, it's sick how you go around, killing other living things," I growl. "These things are barley alive, now move out the way, there are vampires in there," my mother orders. She starts to move forward but so do I, indicating that I'm protecting my grounds, "are we really going to do this, Jisung?" My mother asks. Anger fills me that the calling of my dead name.

My father rolls his eyes and sighs, "let's get this over with," he growls, holds up his gun and shoots a couple of bullets at me. I hold up my hand, the bullets sink into my flesh, but I don't flinch. I pull out each bullet and throw them on the floor. "Are we really going to do this, Jisu?" I ask in the same tone Jisu just said to me. My father leaps at me, I dodge and he flies over my shoulder, toward the entrance to the maze. I grab his leg, him still mid air and throw him back over, slamming him into the ground. Jisu shoots at me, trying to make a distraction while my father once again attacks me, I slow the bullet's speed right down so I had enough time to punch my father a couple time in the stomach and send him back, and speed up the bullets as I duck. 

This time, my mother and father attack me at the same time, "it doesn't work when I've gotten stronger, and you've taught me all of your techniques," I say to them, barley out of breath, as they punch and kick, completely out of breath and still being defeated. I push them both back again; Jisu starts laughing loudly, completely sprawled out on the floor. "Thanks for the fight kiddo, just this was just a distraction, you should've made the right choice and stayed with your pathetic vampire friends," my father smirks. 

The ground starts to shake, I look up to a balcony, someone with a missile of some kind is standing there, pointing at the maze with it, I realised they had a top view and could pinpoint where Jungkook and the rest of the vampires were. "FUCK YOU!" I scream and run into the maze, gun shots go off, and a pang of pain runs up through my leg. I ignore it and run faster, having no idea where I am. "JUNGKOOK!" I scream, there was only about a minute left before my parents are safely out the way and the guy shoots. I follow the heavy foot print on the grass as much as I could.

Leading me into six dead ends and no Jungkook. "Five..." someone says. The pain in my leg increases and the same with my hand, I try to make everything go slower, but it's not working any more. "Four..." the pain in my leg made it unbearable to walk anymore. "Three..." Blood was heavily pouring out of my hand, painting myself red and now pain was the only thing I could feel, whatever abilities I had before, where no longer there. "Two..." I could feel the bullet move around in my leg as I walked. "One..." all I could hope was that Jungkook and the other vampires where safe.

Jungkook POV

I lead the way into the underground tunnels, safe from any human attack. I hear my name being called, it was Taehyung. There's a start of a count down for something shortly after that. "What's going on out there, where's Taehyung?" Jimin asks. "I don't know, you all stay right here, if the sun can hit you so can something else, stay in the shelter, I'm going to look for Taehyung," I order. Jimin nods and I run out into the maze. His amazing smell enters my nose, his smell was so strong it was like having him shove his blood up my nose. I run toward the smell. "Two..." I run even faster, Taehyung's smell was so close now. "One..." a loud noise goes off. I hide behind a hedge, a loud explosion, light, and feeling myself fly greeted me next. 

I got up, out of the leaves and vines as the thorns scratched my skin. Most of the maze was completely annihilated. I followed Taehyung's smell, it was a lot stronger now, I hope I wouldn't find Taehyung's dead body.


I'm back guys! This isn't a length I would like it but I'm making a lot of progress and should be back to writing normally in no time!

There should only be about one more chapter in this book and then I'll have some big news. 


Sorry if this chapter is all over the place XX

Fighting! See ya luvs - Kookie 

Vampire // k.t.h + j.j.kWhere stories live. Discover now