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Please read author's note XX

Taehyung POV

Sejun looks at me in complete and utter horror, he is at my mercy and personally I didn't feel like giving it to him. I step on his broken leg, "what's my name?" I ask, "B-Bac J-J-Jisung," Sejun stutters. I step on his leg harder, "what is my name?" I ask, more threatening this time. "U-uh I d-don't know your n-name," Sejun stutters. "What am I to you?" I ask bitterly, "m-my past brother," Sejun smirks. "Who's about to die!" Sejun launches himself forward, a syringe in hand, I quickly phase away from him. Sejun only just missed his own leg, his eyes wide. I flick my finger and Sejun disappeared. I collapse to the floor, worn out.

Jungkook comes to me, "what... that... I..." he ends up just hugging me. I smile and hug him back breathing a sigh of relief. I get up, Yoongi walks over and punches my arm, "that was for making us think you were taking Sejun's side," Yoongi wraps me in a hug, "and that was for kicking his ass." I hug him back and laugh. "This isn't over guys," Namjoon growls, looking out the windows, out at the trees. "Just because Sejun is gone, and probably not coming back, doesn't mean the rest of the Bacs know what Tae can do," Seokjin agrees.

We all sit up in Jungkook and I's room, "what are we going to do?" Hoseok asks, I shrug. Jungkook sighs deeply, "well it's not like we can stay here, if Sejun knows where here then the rest of the Bacs probably know as well. I don't think they're going to be too happy when their son doesn't return home." I nod in agreement, "Tae, do you know where you sent Sejun?" Yoongi asked. I closed my eyes, trying to remember. I was in such anger that everything was hazy and red. I opened my eyes and shook my head.

"Okay, okay, just hold on one freaking minute," Seokjin put his hands in the air and waved them, he pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "We can't just ignore about what Taehyung just did, he phased about a room, he caught a fist in his hand without even flinching and most of, he flicked his wrist and sent a guy to Narnia!" Namjoon sighed. "It's not unheard of for humans to reach a certain point of exposure to supernatural substances or people, like vampires, but you would have to be exposed to it for your whole life, and no. 

Vampire hunters don't have enough exposure, and they are around vampires, supernatural creatures, all the time! Taehyung breaking the barrier of natural and supernatural is, well a mystery." Namjoon looks at me. "To break the barrier you would have to be pretty much glued to a supernatural creature or have supernatural genes," Namjoon explains.

I fall back onto Jungkook's bed. "I don't have supernatural genes, well not that I'm aware of at least," I mumble the last part. Emily jumps up, "that could be it! You might have supernatural genes!" They exclaim. Namjoon sighs, "there is a way of testing these things but we really do not the time to even begin." We all sigh deeply, until there was a massive crash on the door. "See what you mean, we need to leave!" Jungkook yells. Everyone exits the room, we hear people storm up the stairs.

Jungkook silently signals to everyone for them to follow him, we all run after him. We run up a few flight of stairs until we got to a dead end. Jungkook presses against a wall, a secret stair case opens up. We all get in and start running up the stairs, which leads to the roof. "Now what?" Yoongi asks. "Well, um this was never really finished... it's more just a hide out," Jungkook admits. "What is a hide out going to do when a bunch of, probably vampire hunters, ARE STORMING THE HOUSE?" Yoongi screams. 

Everyone starts arguing, giving me a head ache, I could slowly feel my clock ticking. "OKAY SHUT THE FUCK UP," I scream, making everyone shut up. "You know what arguing is going to do? Fucking NOTHING! Absolutely nothing, in fact it will only draw attention for our temporary safe spot. How about we stop fucking arguing and start FUCKING DOING SOMETHING THAT COULD GET US OFF THIS FUCKING ROOF WITHOUT FUCKING GETTING FUCKING KILLED!" Everyone looks at me in shock. 

"Now let's break down a wall," I walk over to a wall, "what will that do?" Yoongi asks in a sassy tone. "Well maybe get us off this fucking roof dumb ass," I say in a sweet sarcastic voice. Jungkook comes over to me and we start beating down the wall. "Well better hurry up because I can hear people coming," Yoongi says, not helping. "WELL MAYBE YOU SHOULD FUCKING HELP THEN WE COULD FUCKING GET OUT OF HERE!" I scream and punch the wall, the bricks fall down below.

We pull the wall apart it was just enough for everyone to jump out when, "stop right there vampires!" A voice booms from behind us. I look behind me, a guy with a gun stood at the door way. "They're up here," the guy calls down the stairs. "Which one of you is Bac Jisung?" The guy asks while he waits for the rest of his team to find him. "None of us are Bac Jisung," I answer, "that's not what Sejun says, speaking of, what have you sickos done to him?" The guy questions.

I put my hands up and walk over to this man, "hey man, I just want to talk to you," I start, he points his gun at me. "Okay, okay, I won't come any further, but are you familiar with Korean?" I ask randomly. "I'm familiar yes," the man answers, holding his gun at my head. I smile, "then I'm sure you must understand when I say," I smirk, "igeon jeonjaeng ida," (translation: this is war). I put my arms down quickly, but to the eye it looks there was a lag. I jump at the man, everything was in slow motion. Jungkook jumps at him as well, the man starts to shoot, everything in slow motion. 

The lag trailing behind us as I take his gun, dodging his bullets. Jungkook's punches the man right across the face. Time catches up to us as we land, "let's bounce," Jungkook says, and he runs and jumps out of the hole in the wall.


Sorry for the short chapter and for the late update. It's been a bit hard to write lately because I have recently self harmed, it hurts because the cuts are right where I put my arm on my laptop, also the suicidal thoughts in my head making it hard for me to concentrate on writing. Usually I can write 2000 words in and hour, hour and a half max, but lately it's been hard for me to write 500 words in five hours. 

Please be understanding to my situation, it is really hard to concentrate on any task I am given, I really am trying to update regularly, and please don't self harm!

XX stay alive XX

See ya luvs - Kookie ❤ 

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