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A boy of about 17; with light brown, shoulder length hair and tattoos circling his middle and ring fingers on each hand; stood in the square of District 2, sweating slightly in the summer heat, awaiting the names to be drawn. Whoever's names were drawn were headed into the Hunger Games, a vicious pageant played district versus district, every year. He held his breath, and glanced at his peers, not sure who would go, but praying to God it wasn't him. The man up front, who had a large curly puff to his reddish hair, drew the name and read it out clearly. Nathan Currin.

Nathan wasn't sure what he had heard, did the man in charge call out his name?! A heavy silence fell as the enitre district's eyes turned to Nathan, waiting, daring him to move or resist. With legs that felt like lead, he moved slowly up to the front of the square. Scarcely able to breath, he brushed his hair out of his eyes and adjusted the Bioshock shirt he wore. He began to slowly climb the stairs to the stage, and upon reaching the top, he turned slowly to the crowd. They stayed silent as the man with the red puffy hair walked over to the fishbowl-like container and read off his partner's name, Koty Rae.

Nathan knew the girl, they used to date, and it hadn't been the pleasant breakup in the world. She had essentially shattered his heart, and without a backward glance, left him on his knees, begging. That had been a fair few years ago, and he had healed by now. Nathan watched her approach the stage, saw the death promise in her eyes, and knew at that point he needed to avoid her in the arena.


The second she heard Nathan's name being called, Koty smiled to herself. She thought 'good, now I won't have to worry about still loving him anymore.' It hurt her heart, knowing how she still felt about him and knowing she still was very much in love with the boy. She hadn't wanted to break up with him, but her parents hadn't approved of her dating someone two full years older than her. She had been thirteen at the time, and thought she had loved the different, punk-looking fifteen year old. She wasn't listening as they called the girl's name. The man up front called it out again, and all Koty could hear for the next few seconds was a roaring in her ears. He had said her name!! Koty gulped and walked to the stage, trying to muster up a threatening look onto her face.

* * *


Around the country, reapings were taking place. In all twelve districts, two names were being called. Friends, family, even enemies were chosen and taken to the Capitol to be put into an arena and fight to the death, in hopes of a slightly less-crappy life.

The president sat in his crushed velvet chair, comfortable, watching the reapings go on. There was a fashion designer that he would make into a Games stylist if he survived, and a blonde girl from District 1. 2 gave him a punk-looking boy and a skinny girl who looked rather young. Three reaped a plain looking boy and girl, hardly worth his notice. Four was what caught his interest. The girl was very young, with blonde hair and red streaks, while the boy was older, yet shorter than the girl. He was small, but appeared muscluar, showing that he had spent several years working on the fishing boats.

A few others caught his interest as well, namely the girls from 5, 10, and 12, along with both the boy and girl from 7, 8, and 11. The president knew, with this assortment of tributes, he would have no problem making this year's games the biggest yet.

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