Prologue Prt 2

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Morning breaks and the sun shining on my face, I look at the time its 6 am. WHY CAN I NEVER OVER SLEEP !!? Waking up early is nice, but sure is annoying when your just so tired from yesterday.

I wake up 8 hours before my shift in the afternoon, seeing my roommate all tucked in her sheets sleeping soundly, I'm jelly for her. I go to the bathroom, took a shower and changed into my favorite ripped jeans and a sweater and some flip flops. I walk to the small convenient store across the dorm. The automatic sliding door opens and a blast of cold air hit my face, air condition sure is nice, I look through the shelves filled with nick nacks and snacks and sodas. I buy a bag of chips, two instant noodle cups, and a lime gatorade. I walk out of the store and is greeted by speeding cars giving off fumes that actually, seven out of ten people a year die from. I pull my sleeves down to my hand and cover my nose and mouth and cross the street.

I get back inside the dorm building, I take a sip of my cold gatorade and climbed up the stairs. I then bumped into someone,

"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention" I lower my head,
"Its okay, Im sorry too" This voice !!? I look up and see a man in a over-sized tank top, a loose hair tie, baggy sweat pants and neon running shoes with green glasses, it was that guy from yesterday !!
We stare at each other and realized we know each other ,
And in unison,

"Your the-"

"Girl fro-"

"Bashful guy from yesterday !!"

He covers his face as it becomes red. "O-OH IM SORRY !! I didn't mean to remember you by that"

"I-Its okay, I was being really bashful anyway, even now" he makes a big grin and scratches the back of his neck.

I laugh a bit. And notice how he's a bit lanky but pretty toned here and there. His style sure looks cool, as in it looks cold and all that. Ive never really seen a guy show that much skin, except for the models in billboards or commercials.

"Well Im going for a jog at the park, see you later" he waves his hand and down the stairs he go. I wave back, and as I turned around I hear his voice again,

"Oh, the names Ron, Ron Tuckker"
"And im Callie Windler, its nice to meet you"

He salutes and clicks his tongue and he goes. I continue to run up the stairs. I reach the dorm and see my roommate sitting on the floor still covered by her blanket. Its seems she got up and heated some water, I take out the cup noodles and poured the hot water. She then hands me money, with a growly raspy voice she tells me shes paying me back, I try to refuse it but she insisted.

You know the sound that No Face from Spirited Away makes ? well she sounds like that. I really don't know anything much about her, heck ! I don't even know her name or how she looks like, she always covers herself with her blanket, but she's always so nice. But its weird that I never get to see a chance of her leaving or entering the room, its either she so good at being a ninja or I'm just out when she goes out and vice versa.

4 more hours before my shift, I guess Ill walk around the park. I wore my jacket over my XL T-shirt so after the walk Ill just go to the hospital. The park is in the opposite direction of the hospital.

I walk towards the park, seeing the kids all hyper and happy, well, it makes me feel happy.

"The light is taking so long!!" I grumbled as I waited for the Traffic light to change to green, I thought of crossing the road already, but as a medical student I know better. The light finally turns green and the road was empty, I cross the street but as I reached the middle of the road suddenly my sneaker's shoe-laces got stuck in the man hole lid, I try to pull it but it wont budge. As fast as I can I try to pull the shoe-lace before the stop light changes color. Hallelujah the shoe lace gets unstuck and the light hasn't changed, as I stood up I hear a engine and turned around, a truck was coming over in high speed with no intention to stop, I was stunned I couldn't move my legs, I lost my ability to run and save myself.

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