Chapter 1

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Monika's POV;
I am walking down the street. "Starbucks is supposed to be right around this corner. Let me just check on the map on my phone" I think for myself. I continue to walk while I am checking my phone. Since I'm not paying attention at all I don't notice that the sidewalk is coming to an end and that I have to take a step down. I trip and fall on the ground.
I land on my butt. "OUCH!" I scream. I hope no one saw me... that would be so emberrasing. I try to get up but my butt hurts so bad that I have to sit for a moment. Then I hear someone laugh.. NO! Someone saw me 😭 so emberrasing.. I am emberrased but all I can think of is how cute the laugh is! Its the cutest laugh ever! I turn my head in emberrasment to see the most adorable guy ever 😍 I freeze.. His smile is beautiful and his eyes are so pretty!
G; Hey! You okay? You need any help?
Omg! Is he talking to me?
M; ehm.. well could u help me up?
He grab my hands and drag me up
He shakes my hand while introducing himself
G; There you go! I'm Grayson. Nice fall 😂
He starts laughing again. My face turns red.
M; Well, thank you! I'm Monika. Nice to meet you! Could you maybe help me a little bit more?
I dont want to be the one to ask too many questions but I really need some coffee
G; Sure! What do you need?
M; Do you know where Starbucks is?
G; oh! Thats where I'm heading right now. I can walk with you. Not from here I guess?
M; No. I am actually from Norway. I am just here for an exchange year. Its the first time I'm walking on my own here in the city
G; Cool!
We come to the enterance of the Starbucks
G; Here you go!
He smiles at me. Since he was so nice, I let him order first. I can hear his order. He orders 3 chocolate Frappuccinos. Why did he order 3?
I turn to Grayson
M; Why did you order 3? 😂 you are all by yourself and you are gonna have 3?
G; no of course not! One for me, on for E and one for you!
M; me? How can you even know if I like Chocolate Frappe?
G; Everybody loves chocolate Frappes 😉
Grayson grabs two of them when they are ready and leave without saying goodbye. I grab the last one. On it, it is written an M and some numbers.. It looks like a phonenumber!
Omg! He did not! Or did he? Did Grayson acctually give me his number? I dont know him but like he is soooo cute and handsome 😍 I sit down on a chair and pull my phone out of my pocket and type in the number..
I type a message; Hey! Nice move u got there G! And thank you for the frappe and the help today

I stare at my phone and start smiling! When did cute guys, or even just guys in general, start giving me their numbers?

4 hours later

I still havent gotten an answer from Grayson but I have to sleep right now. I go to bed and fall asleep dreaming about the perfect guy that I never thought excicted until today!

I am NOT a good writer but I hope u enjoy it anyways 💓 I'll try to post often but I have a lot of school and stuff sooo

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