Chapter 5 [Niall/Zayn]

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I managed to get myself up and start running to find the others and tell them that we needed to get out of here before we ended up the same way, but trying to retrace my steps through this place in this state of shock was near impossible. There was so many halls and so many doorways that I had to go through, just to get to the main stairs.

"Liam! Harry! Louis!" I yelled, panting. I kept running, most likely going in circles.

I approached a room and the heavy door was ajar. The last time I saw an open door, I found my best friend on the floor with axe wounds. Hesitantly, I opened it so I could see what was behind it. To my surprise, it was a staircase. Before I made my decision, I looked to see if it was a normal staircase and not one of those spooky cellar ones in the God forsaken movies.

Dare I take it? It can't be too bad. It looks like a normal staircase.

I took a deep breath and started going down the stairs. I wanted to call for the boys and see if they were down there, but I didn't dare because I could find myself getting one of my limbs chopped off and lying at the bottom in a corner. As I descended to the bottom, there was a large open room, almost like it was an old family room, but there was only a couch and small end table. I looked around the empty space, trying to notice if there was any traces of the boys, but saw nothing. Well, until I noticed a few doors in the dark corner.

Slowly, I made my way over to them, unsure of what one to go through. I chose the one on the right, hoping I made the right decision in finding the way to the foyer. As I opened it, there was a pitch black hallway. Fearing the unknown, I continued to tiptoe to the other side. My hands were out in front of me, feeling for anything that I might run into. My hand brushed against something, making my arm tense up and my heart race, but when I pulled my hand away, it was only a cobweb. I felt my shoes beginning to stick to the floor as I walked.

"What the hell?" I said under my breath, looking to the floor to see what it was out of instinct, but obviously couldn't see a bloody thing. As I kept walking with my head down, I headbutted something heavy. I reached out in front of me, feeling damp wrinkled fabric touching my hand. I began to backpedal, but slipped, falling on my arse into the thin sticky wet substance that was coating the floor. As I fell, I had heard a thump, as my phone had slipped out of my pocket. I felt around for the device, turning on the light to see what the hell I ran into.

As I shone the white LED light in front of me, I couldn't believe my eyes. What I had ran into was a body hanging from the ceiling, twisting around slowly. I started to breathe heavily, beginning to think this was all a horrible nightmare, but was reminded that this was really happening.

I kicked out my foot, making the dead corpse twist around so I could see their face. The eyes were open, shining as they were glassy and glazed over. There was blood dripping from his what used to be solid gray Nikes. Tears welled in my eyes, blurring the dead body in front of me. I blinked excessively, just so I could try to identify if it was one of my best mates.

It was Colin Dresser; one of my friends from my chemistry class. Why him? He was one of the nicest people I know. But the bigger question: why is he here in all black?

I began to cry and panic again, fearing for my life. I hit my phone screen so the flashlight was now shining in my eyes. Fingerprints and smears of Colin's blood was spread across the bright screen. Hell, Drake's was probably mixed in as well.

I needed to find the other boys as soon as I could. My best chance of survival was to find them so we could get the fuck out of there. My hands were shaking with fear as I went into the contacts to try calling Harry. There was about four rings and no answer.

"I-it's bad, so so bad. Drake was hacked to death and I just found Colin Dresser hanging from the ceiling. W-we have to get out of here," I cried to his voicemail. My phone began to beep, warning me that I was at a low battery. I hung up, grabbing my knotted hair in my blood-covered hands, crying into my knees.

I need to get out of here. There's no other choice if I want to live.


I had tried to find Josh, but I couldn't. My new hunt was for Niall, just to see if he found Drake, but he was nowhere to be found. In all honesty, I was scared as hell. I wanted to get the fuck out of here and go home to get away from this hell hole. If only it was that easy; I didn't even know what level of the house I was on.

"Niall!" I yelled, figuring it was worth a shot. Nothing as I figured. I put my hands on my hips, feeling a rectangular object against my thigh.

Call him! Jesus, I'm an idiot!

I took out my phone, quickly typing in Niall's number. There was a few rings and then I heard shuffling as he answered.

"H-hello?" He sounded like he was crying.

"Ni, are you okay?"

"N-no. I'm s-scared, Zayn. W-we have to g-get o-out."

"Where are you at? Once I find you, we can work together to try and find the other boys so we can get out of here faster."

"I think I-I'm in the basement. Is there a staircase near you?"

I looked around, searching endlessly for a door that would lead me to my blonde friend. I opened a door next to a large bookcase, which revealed a dark and cobweb -infested set of stairs. "Yeah, I just found it."

"Take the phone away from your ear because I'm going to yell. Tell me if you can hear me."

I lowered the phone from my ear, waiting to hear the sound of Niall's scream. I listened closely, hearing a faint male voice yelling my full name. I brought the phone back up to my ear, excited. "Niall, I hear it! I hear you! I'll be right down. Just keep yelling so I can find you."

I hung up, holding the phone out in front of me so I could see a little bit in front of me. I heard a bang on a door from behind me. Could that be one of the others? It couldn't be Niall because I still heard his cries for help. If it was one of the boys, I'm sure they would have said something so I would know it was them. It was probably one of the people that Harry had planted throughout just trying to scare me, so I shook my head and turned back to the direction I was walking. Though when I stepped forward, I felt a slimy, warm, yet cold piece of iron slide past my hand. I shone my phone light up to see someone standing next to me with a black cloak-like thing.

"You're going to pay for trespassing in my house."

Trapped In A Horror Movie AU (One Direction/Niall Horan) ✔Where stories live. Discover now