Chapter 9 [Liam/Niall]

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I felt as the blood ran down my face after I was harshly pushed into the glass mirror for the tenth time. Not only was it my face being injured, my spine was starting to react to the heavy ittem being pushed into it. I couldn't escape either; I was roped and duct taped to a wooden pillar that I thought was to hold up the house.

Every time I crashed, I heard screaming from the other side. At first, I thought it was just my mind playing tricks on me because it was getting all disoriented from the repeated crushing. But then, I was hearing my name.

Is it a two way mirror?

Since my feet weren't constricted, I tried kicking the mirror in order to break it and then maybe whoever else was back there could help me get off this blasted thing. I was beginning to see the my blood splattered on the reflective surface, making me cringe. I never was a fan of seeing my own blood.

Before I had gotten into this mess, I was searching through the house for one of the boys, any of them. Ever since Niall ran to find Drake, and Harry and Louis split up in different directions, I've been trying to find someone to help me get to the others or just keep me company.

I had finally hatched up a plan on how to break the mirror, even though I could end up breaking my leg. The mirror was cracked enough that if I kicked really hard, it would break completely. As the pole drew back, I drew my leg back as far as I could. When I was just a few inches away, I kicked as hard and as powerful as I could.

"Liam! Liam, are you okay?!" I heard a voice yelling. Harry, I think. I couldn't really see anymore, only red from the blood, but I'm guessing I had kicked enough for them to talk to me.

I gurgled something in response, not really being able to speak clearly. "You need to do whatever you did again. C'mon, Li, I know you can do it." I knew that soothing voice automatically; it was Niall. "I know you're in a lot of pain, but if you can do it one more time, we can get you out of there."

I took a deep breath. Niall was right; if I wanted out, I'd have to run into it once more. This was going to hurt, but it needed to happen. The pole retracted back again, my leg into its position. I squeezed my eyes shut. Here it goes.

"Dear God, please don't let me break my leg," I prayed, hoping for the best.

The pole let loose and I went flying towards the mirror. I heard the smash and felt the shards of glass cut into my skin. But along with the pain of being sliced, there was people touching me. I opened my eyes and saw three hazy figures huddled around me. The one figure got close to me and was saying something, but I was so out of it, that I couldn't make out what he was saying. But I could make out that he had blonde hair and I knew then it was Niall. 

Suddenly, I felt my body go limp and begin to fall forward, but then the other two people along with Niall were holding me up and must've lifted me off the small ledge because I began to move forward with the three boys supporting me. The next thing I knew, my bum was landing on a cushion of clouds. What was happening?


"Liam! Liam, wake up, buddy!" I coaxed the limp and bloody boy, but he was slowly drifting into unconsciousness. "Li! Please wake up!"

"Niall, he's unconscious. Just give him a little bit; he needs to give himself a little recoop time," Harry told me, grabbing my bicep. 

"What are you saying? To leave him here?! I refuse!" I erupted.

"No! I'm saying shut the hell up because he isn't going to come to for a little bit!" Harry responded. 

"But we can't leave Louis and..." I trailed off. I then realized that besides us, Louis was the only one of our friends alive. Zayn and Harry looked down at the floor uncomfortably, realizing the same thing I just did. "What I'm saying is that we can't let Louis stay out there where he could be killed!" 

Trapped In A Horror Movie AU (One Direction/Niall Horan) ✔Where stories live. Discover now