When I was born every
One used to huge me , sing me songs , and cook me some sup ( my favorite thing to eat) . But when I was 4 no one did those things any more , and I felt bad . By then my parents never cook me anything , buy me anything , take me to school ( I walk by my self ) , they even never said "I love you Aria " . When I was 4 , my parents threw my sister a birthday party she was 8 . Every one came , my hole family and friends , will her friends - I didn't have friends . When everyone left from the party my parents say " Alissa we have one more thing for you that you are going to love " when my sister opened the presents I got closer for I could see the big surprise " haaaa ! It's a puppy ! ( all happy ) I can't believe you guys gave me a Golden Retriever , I love it " . I was actually sad because I love animals and they never threw me a party or give me gifts , only one Christmas but they always gave me two , but to Alissa ( my sister) they gave her like one thousand. I know Im exaggerating but they gave her a lot of things that I current count any more . But anyway the thing that I hate the most it was that my sister never took care of Cooper ( the dog name) she never like animal or the natural , how do I know - because that same day my parents gave her Cooper she told me " I can't believe my parents gave me that stupid dog I hate animals! I thought they were going to give me some merch from LoganPaul.come ! ( all angry ) " I was the one who took care of Cooper I took him for walks , gave him food , play with him , buy him toys , shower him , and even sleep with him - Cooper was actually my dog by then , and I was happy , he was my only friend and the one that I could trust and talk to , Cooper is so smart that when I go to school he comes with me ( my house is very close to school ) and when I enter he goes back to the house , then when the bell rings he comes running to get me ( his like my pick up) .

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