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             Cooper is the best dog
I could ever ask for . He' s like a person to me , he's not a animal or a pet for me , all my family are really rude with Cooper they say " Aria ! Why are you with that stupid hideous dog !  You are so immature ! And stop wasting time / life with that dog  ( they had that face like if something smelled bad ) " and I will always say " stop screaming at me ! We have never done anything to you or anyone else ! You guys always ignore me and never talk to me so stop being rude to me !! " When they come to me just to say those words my heart feel like someone is ripping off my skin . One day when I was 5 years old I woke up for I could go to school and when I went down stairs Alissa was looking at me really weird , she had the face if she was going to do something bad , I got really annoyed that I said " Why are you looking at me like that you are creepy me out " she said " ho will nothing - will actually yes - I do have something to say , you have always been with Cooper and I mean I'm fine with it because I don't even like him but you have my dog so give me the bracelet that my gramma gave you when she dead " I said " Why do you want the bracelet that OUR grandmother gave me , I mean she gave me it because we all know I'm here favorite " " Even though every one knows that your her favorite she is dead and she will not know anything so give that bracelet! " "No! ( I was getting my bag pack that was next to me and Cooper got up ) This bracelet is special for me because she is the only one who loves me in this world! " ( Dad and Mom came down stars because they heard us screaming ) Dad said " What's going on her ! " Alissa said " Will Aria doesn't want to give me the bracelet that our grandmother gave her " Dad said " Will Aria you should give it to your sister " I said " But that's not fair! My grandmother gave it to me and she said to never take it off! - And I'm not breaking that promise! ( all mad ) " Cooper got in front of me because he knew something bad was coming up " Aria give your sister that bracelet!! " I fast put my bag pack on and my dad when I was putting my bag pack on my dad gets his hand up and Cooper jumps and baits is hand "OMG ! " Mom said . I didn't know what to do I was got really red , I current think what to do so I went to the door and run away with Cooper, we been running for 30min that I current brith any more . The good thing was that I had money and water in my bag pack . We have been walking around for a hour and I didn't know were to go , not with my family because they will kill me and call my parents , or not in school then my principal will also call my parents , so I current go any where. I was in the middle of two bad situations.

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