Avengers to the rescue part 2

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I woke up to someone holding their hand over my eyes.

"She's awake." A very familiar voice said.

"Bucky?" I whispered softly.

"Shh, it will be over soon." He whispered back. He removed his hand from my eyes, and I blinked at the bright light. I realized my hands and feet were strapped down, and I struggled to sit up. I saw needles filled with a greenish liquid overhead. It was some sort of bonding process.

"Why. Why are you letting him do this? Oh, wait, I forgot that you don't love me at all." I whispered.

"I do, I just can't let him know." He whispered, running his hand down the side of my face. Suddenly, he leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine. It was a short kiss, but it was meaningful. He pulled away, and whispered, "The Red Skull wants to remove the super soldier injection from your blood, so he only has to worry about one super soldier." He bent over one of straps on my arm. When he pulled away, I saw he had cut away most of strap. I pulled on it, and it snapped. I quickly undid the rest, and Bucky pulled me harshly to the ground. I winced at the pain, but quickly got up. Suddenly, Bucky threw a punch at my face. I blocked it my grabbing his hand. I twisted his arm, pulling him closer, putting his arm behind his back.

"Gotta make it convincing." I whispered into his ear. He rolled forward, pulling me with him.

"Convincing enough?" He whispered as pain flew through my body.

"Traitor!" Red Skull yelled as he burst into the room. I got up, and ran at him, right beside Bucky. We both threw a punch at him, and he fell backwards, unconscious. I spotted Steve down the hall, and he motioned for me to duck, so he could hit Bucky with his shield. I stayed standing, as Bucky linked his hand with mine.

"What are you doing? He's a traitor!" Steve exclaimed.

"Bucky was being controlled, he couldn't do anything about it." I lied. Steve reluctantly motioned for us to follow, and we did. We hijacked a nearby plane, and took off back towards the Helicarrier. We landed on the Helicarrier, and as we walked out of the plane, Shield Agents surrounded us. We held up our hands, and the Agents came up and snapped on a pair of high tech handcuffs. We were then led down to the prison cells. They locked us up in separate cells, and left us.




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