Chapter 1

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I glared at the seven High Lords, and a High Lady, as we sat around a large wooden table, discussing what would happen now that the King of Hybern is dead.

"The borders should be the same, obviously, but we need some new rules," Feyre starts, causing my eyes to slide over to her.

I hated the way Rhys looked at her. He held so much love and adoration in those violet eyes of his, that made me just want to vomit. He was a bastard, and a fucking whore!

Tarquin opens his mouth to say something, but is cut off by the banging open of the main doors. They shattered upon hitting the walls, causing the eight of us to jump to our feet, drawing weapons and gathering our powers.

In strides a small, petite fae, dressed in all black fighting leathers and armed to the teeth. Attached to the collar of her long-sleeved top, was a black hood, covering the top half of her face. Dark power swirled around her as she stopped at the entrance, no one moved.

A minty scent filled my nostrils causing something in the pit of my stomach to stir, but I pushed it away as I stared at the intruder with curiosity and hostility.

"Who the fuck are you?" Helion growls, his hand twitching towards the dagger buckled at his waist.

The only thing visible under her hood was her wicked and twisted smile, causing an uneasy feeling to course through me.

"I'm Sharun," she smirks, removing her hood.

The sight of her face, knocks the breath out of me. Long red hair pulled into a neat side braid falls down to her waist, small wisps of curly fire framing her face. Her face was beautiful in the way a goddess I is beautiful. There wasn't one flaw on her perfect face. Her eyes were a beautiful honey colored that set off the tan glow to her sun kissed skin and the pink color of her perfectly plump lips.

This girl was breath taking.

"That I am," she smirks over in my direction, causing my mouth to fall open.

There was a knowing glint in her eyes that worried me, but I ignored it as I focused on her and Rhys's interaction.

"Why are you here? This meeting is for high Lords and Ladies only!"

"I am fully aware of that Rhysand, that is why I am here. So, you defeated the King of Hybern," she states, walking over to Rhy's chair and plopping down on it, throwing one toned leg over the arm rest.

Her relaxed posture causes something to stir in me, making me fight the urge to touch her. What the hell is wrong with me? Sure, she is beautiful and I haven't had a fuck in a while, but this is absurd!

"Yes, but you didn't answer my question," Rhys all but growls at her, causing her smirk to widen and anger to grow within me.

"I'm getting to that, handsome," she winks, causing Feyre to growl and nearly launch herself at Sharun before Rhys pulls her back against his chest. "Calm down Princess, I already have my eyes on someone," she winks in my direction, causing all seven of them to swivel their heads in my direction.

"I don't know who the fuck she is!" I defend with a flash of my fangs, causing a flash of irritation to show in Rhys's face.

"Anyway, I'm here to help you guys out, since you seem to think that this is all over," she shrugs, playing with her perfect nails while everyone in the room has a short panic.

"What the fuck do you mean, bitch? Speak clearly!" Kallias barks, taking a menacing step towards her.

"Ugh, fine. You guys want the truth?" She says, fixing her golden eyes on me.

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