
17 10 3

our lives are crammed
swarms of to do's
flickering around us, except
between us too

it's hard to stay grounded
when the rocks are too smooth
and the sand slips through my skin
in clouds of wasted time
i can't stand

to do this alone i know
the current
churns with obligations
sometimes i get mouthfuls
of stinging statistics
blink them away
maybe they're true
but not today

i see you
and you see me raw
children of the elements
salt dirt sand tears blood wind life
clinging to our every breath

that's how i feel
when you're away
when i can't help but worry
when i can't help but pray
please stay safe today

i can taste you in the spray
sweet water running down my face
the waves sense you i know
for they're frisky
in the same way your mouth quirks
and your eyes shine risky

this feeling

the sand turns to slush and tugs
at my ankles, tugs
up my legs in a frenzy
and i can feel you tugging
at my shy hands, tugging
at my waist in pulsing beats, 
at my breathless mouth,
at my mended heartstrings.

in waters of undulating blue
all is dark but me, the lighthouse,
and you.

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