The girl with the maroon beret...

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redngreen_shadow this is for you!!!

No prov

As the boys are out side Bryan can't help but wander to a familiar black haired with a maroon beret that he loved. He then looked back the observatory with determination blaring in his eyes.

Bryan's prov

When my eyes wander to our old home and then I look at my brothers who all nod and we split up I take the back room window to the room right next to where the girls are with Blast. We get our weapons ready and we both nod to each other and I go in first as I slip into the window I set my feet gently down. I then head to the door and look through the crack seeing Brick in his position on the second floor banister and then I feel Blasts presences next to me.

"Did Brick give the signal?" He asks. He's antsy. I can tell by the tone of his voice and who could blame him we were about to start war to get five teenage girls out of hell.

I shake my head in response looking at Brick who has his jaw clenched and his eyes basically burring into the door. He then makes a quick movement with his hand, "lets go."

We then make our way out of the room quickly and quietly to not be detected by the shapeshifter. Blast and I stand in front of the door on either side ready to attack. My muscles tense when I hear a groan and I know one of the girls is starting to wake up but I can't tell which one. We take a deep breath and hope Butch is ready to make some noise and right on cue there was a loud bang coming from the bottom level near the basement.

Then there is movement coming from behind the door and then a body emerges and we know it's the snake but we keep quiet, when it is out of sight Blast and I run into the room seeing the girls on the ground curled up and their wrists and ankles red from the rope being to tightly wrapped around them.

My first thought goes to Brenna and I sigh when I see her peacefully sleeping on the ground. "We gotta get them outta here before that snake comes back," Blast growls as he picks up Bash.

'It must be hard on him I don't know how he remains so calm when it comes to this stuff but he always does and it hurts because I want to feel that."

Our brothers come rushing in and their eyes all land on their counterparts and a sigh of frustration mixed with relief escapes them as they pick up their girls and I do the same.

"We don't have that much time we have to get out of here now that snake is dead but it told Blade we were here," Brick says walking towards the door.

As we make it to the door leading to the outside world we hear a laugh ring throughout the entire observatory and we all know too well who it is.

"So you boys think you can run off with the girls just like that?" Blade says descending from the stairs showing his twin swords.

We look at him and Boomer talks first, "we know we can't beat you but what if we bargain with you?"

We all look at Boom shocked even Blade and before we can say anything Blade speaks, "and what my dear boy do you have that I want?"

Me: oh god one more chapter I'm going to cry!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 it will actually be posted tonight because I am almost done writing it but that's it guys what do the boys have that Blade wants and what will they be willing to give him? You'll find out shortly! Can't wait for you guys to read it I can't believe this is it the final show down!!!!!!!!!!

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