Are We the Only Adults Left?

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(A/N: I couldn't draw to save my so these are obviously not my drawing. All credit goes to the artist, well done. I think my favorite is the baby Optimus with the little dinosaur toy 😍 so cute. Which one's your favorite?)

"Viviana, it's time to take you to school. Please get ready so I can take you. I'll be in the main room waiting for you." Ratchet demanded before leaving so I could get out of my pajamas and into my school clothes.

(The plan was to have me stay over Friday to Sunday night and stay home the rest of the week.)

I got dressed and grabbed my backpack before going to meet Ratchet in the main room.

As I stepped into the room I heard my Guardian shout. I also noticed an alert on the holocomputer as Ratchet explained:

"Optimus we seem to be detecting an Autobot emergency beacon," he said opening the ground bridge.

"Understood... Autobots transform and roll out. That includes you old friend. We may have a wounded ally." Ratchet nodded and Optimus then turned to me, "Viviana, I must-"

"Stop right there," I said interrupting him, "no need to apologize. I can excuse myself from school and prepare sick bay for you. Go and save your ally," I told him with an assuring smile. He nodded and thanked me before joining the others.

I closed the bridge behind them and rushed to the roof to tell the kids about what just happened.

One there I group texted Miko, Raph, and Jack:

Me: Hey guys, the bots are on a mission so please find a way to school on your own, sorry😞

Jack: That's Okay, thanks for the heads up 👍

Miko: Awwwwwww... That's not fair.😠

Raph: Thanks for telling us☺️

Me: Also, I probably won't be going to school today so could you guys please get my assignments for me. I'm still at base and I don't know when the bots will be back

Me: If anyone asks, say I wasn't feeling good🤢

Jack: I'll get your Art and English work

Raph: I can tell you your Precalculus and Government homework

Me: Thanks, you two

Me: Hope you all have a great day at school

Miko: No fair, we have to go and you don't 😒

Me: Sorry Miko

Me: I'll make it up to you

Me: How do tickets to Slash Monkey sound?😉

Miko: Deal😍

Jack: C U at base V

Raph: See you later V

Me: Bye👋

After closing my messenger app, I called the school to tell them I would be absent. They understood and I hung up before taking the elevator back to the main room so I could set up the medbay.

I was just about finished, when I began to wonder why it was taking so long for the Bots finish the mission.

My thoughts were interrupted by Bee's frantic beeping from the holocomputer. I rushed to the computers and yelled at Bee to get him to slow down:

"Bee, calm down! I can't understand you so please beep twice if you want me to open the bridge and once if you don't." I heard two beeps and opened the bridge.

I saw Bee come through the portal and he quickly shut off the bridge. I was shocked since I hadn't seen anyone else follow; that was until I saw the small bots in his arms.

"Who are they," I asked Bee as I walked down the stairs to where he had placed four small bots at his peds. I looked up at him as he tried to explain but again I couldn't understand him.

My vision was diverted down when I felt a presence beside my leg. I noticed the timid sparkling with a familiar red and blue color scheme. A thought of who it could be came to mind but that was absurd idea. Wiped the idea from my mind and instead kneeled down with a smile to assure him that I was friendly. The small Mech was about a foot and a half tall which was adorable.

"Hello, there little one. Who might you be?" He was hesitant to speak so I waited patiently.

"I am Optimus Prime," he said finally, in a child's voice, "What might your designation be?"

I almost couldn't resist squealing at the sight of him, but I did and gave him an answer, "My designation is Viviana Castle, but most refer to me as V." He was confused by the last part so I clarified it, "I prefer if you call me V." He nodded and walked over to the rest of the sparklings to convince them I was trustworthy.

I was talking to Bee as Optimus spoke to the other Sparklings.  I told Bee that he'd probably have to pick up the kids from school. He nodded in understanding and before I could continue,  I was called by the small voice of the young Optimus.

"Everyone is ready to introduce themselves." I nodded and kneeled to their level.

The first to walk up was Ratchet, "Pleased to me you, my designation is Ratchet." He said introducing himself as he held out his servo for me to take. I took it with a giggle and returned the introduction:

"I am usually referred to as is V by those I know. Feel free to do the same." I couldn't help but think about how cute he looked and how sweet he was being. Next up came the small femme:

"Hello, call me Arcee.  I'm curious to know what are you are?" I broke out into laughter at her straightforward curiosity coupled with the look of shock on the other Sparklings' faces.

"I'm a lifeform known as a human." She gave me a look of understanding and took my hand, ushering me to the last sparkling. I had yet to meet the final green bot and I was lead directly to him. I kneeled in front of him as soon as Arcee let go of my hand.

He was hiding behind Optimus but was ushered in front of me by Arcee. I smiled at the green sparkling and he nervously smiled back.

"Hello there," I said in a soft voice, "a little nervous are we?" He nodded shyly. "There is no reason to be nervous," told him, "I'm V, what's your designation?"

"I'm Bulkhead," he introduced.

"It's nice to meet you," I responded, reaching my hand for him to shake. He took it and gave me a smile. I returned it and, was about to speak when I was interrupted by a voice coming from the Holocomputer.

"Hello is anyone receiving me," asked a worried voice, "Oh maybe this is the wrong frequency again..."

"Wait Knockout, don't change it. We are receiving you," I called out to him.

"Is this the human I took earlier," he questioned.

"That's not important right now. Why are you contact us?"

"We have a bit of a problem that I'm sure you yourself are having."

"Do you mean to tell me most of the Decepticons have become Sparklings?"

"Yes, I have a couple rooms full of crying Sparklings and I'm about to lose function in my neural processor," he said weakly, seeming to be at his breaking point.

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