
151 7 3

My heels clicked against the pavement as I held my files in hand.

I was supposed to be working at the Mental Hospital 'Troubled souls', directed by miss Toriel Dreemur

I entered the doors and I was greeted by the warm smile of a receptionist

"Are you here to visit Ma'am?" I shook my head and handed her my job request file "Oh! Excuse me...Ms. (Y/N), my apologies, you'll have to go to the right here and walk to the second door on your left" I nodded "Thank you very much" I gathered my files closer to myself and followed the directions, I was greeted by yet another warm smile from Ms. Dreemur.

It seems this place was her office "Please have a seat, get comfortable" I sat in the chair in front of her desk and placed my files on the desk "I'd like to get straight to the point Ms. Dreemur" She kept her warm smile painted on her lips and looked through them one by one

After a while she turned attention back to me "It's nice to have clarification you've been to an advanced medical school, a, that factor will help you out a lot with your current patient" She sighed tiredly and slid my files back to me "You see miss (Y/N), the.......patient.....I am assigning to you has been unstable for more than a couple of months, we've tried everything to get him stable again, nothing so far has worked. That, Miss (Y/N) is why I hand-picked you for this patient, his brother was......killed when us monsters made our way to the surface, he snapped because of that and he's been extremely hard on himself, I want the absolute best treatment for him, he was actually a close friend of mine and I can't bear to see him in such a state"

I sighed understandingly and crossed one of my legs over the other, linking my hands around my knee "I understand fully Ms. Dreemur, My mother was mentally ill and she took her own life because of that and my father became depressed after her death, I was only a small child and it affected me gravely, though I am over it now, I promised myself I would help others that are struggling with such things, since I couldn't help my mother, that is why I went to several specialized medical schools and gained as much knowledge as possible to help as much as I could with all of my heart and soul put into my work"

She wiped away a tear with her finger and gave me her hand to shake, I took it graciously "Miss (Y/N), as you can tell, I am desperate to get help for him, you are hired" I nodded and gave her a smile "Thank you Ms. Dremmur" She waved a paw at me "Please, just call me Toriel, I'd prefer to keep it in-formal" She handed me a bag and I took it "I've prepared a coat for you,specific directions to his treatment, your name tag and access card ID, You should have no problem getting past the receptionist now" I reached into the bag and put on the coat, it just looked like a regular, plain, lab coat.

I put the rectangular pin on pocket that held my name and put my ID in the pocket as well "Thank you (Y/N), words cannot express how happy a grateful I am that you are helping, just know.....he's....not exactly the easiest patient to work with, he's....traumatized to a certain extent, he has nightmares, sometimes even when he's still awake,'s-- I----.....please just help him" I squeezed her hand to reassure her "I will....but for now,would it be okay if I did a physical check-up on him and cured any small ailments if he has any?" She nodded and I immediately exited, I looked at the paper and followed the directions on it until I came to a door, I hesitated before I opened it with my key card and entered, closing the door behind me.

I saw him on the floor, in tears.

Once he took notice of me, he quickly scrambled to his feet and as far away from me as he could "n-no! i don't want your help!" I took in his features, he was rather small and his skull was littered with band-aid's and scratches, one of his eyes (the right one) was a small white dot in his eye socket, while the other was an oval surrounding darkness in his socket, he had a neon blue choker on that barely was seen from his straitjacket that was -surprisingly- unbuckled, he wore white pants, like most other patients and some fuzzy pink slippers

"l-leave me alone! i d-don't want you to hurt me! i don't want to be h-hurt!" His left eye turned blue and his choker died down to a hideous form of black, he screamed out in pain and I rushed towards him "LEAVE!!!!" I cupped his cheeks and lifted his head so his eyes would meet mine, they let down fat blue-tinted tears "Does the thing around your neck hurt you?"

He let out a choked sob before nodding, tears spilling onto my hand "Then let me help you, it won't be able to hurt you anymore, but only if you let me help you" He surprised me by burying his face into my stomach and latching his arms around me "i-i.....i-i don't be hurt....they hurt him! i don't want them to hurt me" I pet his skull and pushed him off of me

"It's okay, whoever hurt "him" isn't going to hurt you, you're safe, I promise" He burst out into more tears and hugged me again, I smiled and caressed his skull "y-y-you....promise?" I nodded, he sniffled and tried to calm his choked sobs, I stood up from my crouching position and grabbed his hand gently, I walked to the door and swiped my card, I took out the paper from my pocket and made my way to his treatment room

"you're nice......" I smiled and continued leading him "I just want to help you, of course I am"


Hell yeah!

Hope ya' liked the chapter, I know, It's crap.....don't rub it in


I believe in you, just try hard enough and you'll get through just fine

Stay fresh, sane and fabulous and read on my baby Potatoes

~Honey senpai out

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