Chapter 1

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Toriel was not lying when she said that he wouldn't be an easy patient to work with, I went through his medical history -which was quite interesting if I do say so myself- and I've found he's had over 16 therapist and doctors in the course of 3 months, but that's not the interesting part, the thing is, he actually has put 3 of them in this very institution, of course, I plan to never suffer that same fate, they lacked-

"Miss (Y/N)? Are you okay? You've had no trouble with Sans so far have you?" I was startled completely by her, but decided to play it off "O-Oh, yes, I've had no trouble so far" She chuckled and put a hand on my shoulder "It's okay, I didn't mean to startle you, you make it quite easy to tell I did" Embarrassed blush dusted my cheeks before I regained my composure "Is there something you wanted to talk to me about Toriel?" She chuckled once again "Well, uh, if it is not too much trouble, if you could feed Sans I would appreciate it, you can hold his treatment in the cafeteria if you like, I would just like his personal doctor to feed him instead of Muffet" My eyebrow perked "Muffet? Is she staff?" I should have asked for an entire tour of the facility before jumping onto the job. Maybe I'll ask for one later on 

"Well, yes, she's also a friend of Sans', but I would like for him to get out of his bubble for once, it'll be a nice change" I thought it over for a second "Well, if you say so, let me clear up my papers" She smiled warmly and nodded before walking out of my new work place, or, office

~~(This time skip is brought to you by my laziness)~~   

"Sans, I will need you to hold extremely still for this" He giggled as I tried to feed him his food and turned his head "Sans, I swear, you are acting like a toddler, I am not giving you ketchup for breakfast 

"but i want it" I took a deep breath and let it out through my nose "I'll give you a band-aid if you stay still" He perked up and opened his mouth, staying as still as a statue, I fed him a piece of the omelet he was given for breakfast and held up the cup of orange juice to his mouth so he could drink it "There, now was that so hard" He nodded "yes, it was, and i still want ketchup" I rolled my eyes and fed him another piece of the omelet "Well good for you, you're still not getting it, it'll make you sick" 

He swung his feet back and forth in the chair and looked to me with a pouting face "muffet let's me have ketchup whenever i want, so there" I gave him another piece of the food, my eyebrow perking up "Oh, is that so? Well, I'll have to ask her about it then" He huffed and he would have crossed his arms if his wrist weren't strapped to the chair by limb restraints "i want my band-aid now, you said you'd give me one" I stood up and went to get them from one of the shelf's

I eventually found the box and turned around, only to see him drinking the bottle of ketchup, I saw his foot hooked around the leg of the table, meaning he must've brought it to him

sneaky little-

"Sans! What are you doing?! I said no ketchup!" I snatched the bottle away from his mouth and he shrugged "i wasn't listening" I unhooked his food from the leg of the table and pushed it out of his reach, placing the ketchup on the far corner of it "Don't make me have to get you restraints for your ankles too Sans, I won't hesitate, as your Caretaker and doctor I cannot allow you to be careless with your heath, and-- You're not listening to me are you?" He shook his head "nope" he popped the 'p' 

Now I can tell why he's been through so many doctors

"Well that's just great, anyways, back on topic, I need to give you some treatment" He shrank back into his chair and shook with fear "y-you're going to.......treat me?.....b-but you said-" I shook my head and held up my hands in defense "No, not like that Sans, I'm just going to ask you a couple simple questions and give you therapy is all, nothing physical" He sighed and relaxed in the seat "o-okay" I got my clipboard and sat in the seat in front of his "So....miss Toriel told me you have nightmares, mind telling me why?" He stared at his slippers for a couple moments before starting, "well, it's because Papyrus died, but I make myself feel better if i cut my bones, it feels nice, but tori said not to and she put this jacket on me." 

I looked at him in silent disbelief, there was no way, he's so childish, yet he admits self-harm

I stood up and put a hand on his shoulder 

"Sans, it's okay, I'll help you-" he shook his head repeatedly and his right eye flared with blue as he shut his eyes tight, and though I could tell his magic restrainer was hurting him, he persisted "That's what they said, they promised they would help me, but they didn't! It's not okay! It'll never be okay! It's because of you humans! You hurt him! You DUSTED him!" 

Shaky, long blue magic bones appeared, flying everywhere, one flew past my cheek and cut it, he screamed out in pain as more bones appeared, cutting my coat and my flesh "Sans stop!" He shook violently, he had cut his restraints and was clutching his head

Every time I tried to approach him, and I got too close, I would get hurt.

"You filthy humans made me this way!" 

I grabbed both his wrist and squeezed them with all of my might, which was a lot

"I'm sorry Sans"

And with that, I smashed my head against his, knocking him unconscious


Wow, that went from a 2 to 10 real fast

Well, I'm going to go shtufff's, and yes, I meant to spell it like that


Hope you enjoyed this crappy chapter, and as always:

Stay fresh, sane, and fabulous and read on my baby potatoes

~Honey Senpai out

He squirmed in his seat as I tried to inject his chemical restraints, also know as 'Sleep inducing drugs' (it's called ativan actually, I think)

"n-no! I don't want to fall asleep! mmmm mmmm!" I placed the needle onto the table beside me, he was acting like a straight 5 year old right now

"Sans, I have told you it wont hurt several times, can you please-" 

He started to wrestle against the leg restraints and arm restraints that were attached to the chair "no! I don't want to! it will hurt" I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose, I looked to him boredly as he tired himself out "Are you done now?" He huffed and turned his head to the side, tears welling up in his eye sockets as he pouted "you said you wouldn't hurt me" I took his chin gently and made him look at me in the eyes 

Whisk me away to love and sanity -(Asylumtale! Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now