☯︎ Imagine #1 Damon

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(Quick note: some of these imagines will be based on scenarios that have happened in TVD or TO therefore they contain spoilers. If you don't want anything to be spoiled then don't read the chapters with a yin yang symbol in the title.)

Imagine that's you're Elena's twin, and when Kai puts the sleeping curse on her he puts it on you as well but he hides your body from everyone.

Today was supposed to be a magical day, Jo and Alaric we're gonna get married and he would finally have the happily ever after he always wanted.

You and your twin Elena were the Maids of Honor at their wedding. Everything was going so well, you almost teared up when Alaric's vows came up. But you should've know something suspicious was up when you got that phone call.

You felt the vibration on your boob, where your phone was hiding in your bra. At first you didn't answer it, it would be rude to answer in the middle of a wedding. The person didn't stop calling though, so eventually you stepped out of the building to take the call.

Not without meeting Damon's concerned eyes, and silently telling him it was all good.

As soon as you stepped outside you got a bad feeling, but you tried to ignore it.

"Hello?" You answered warily. You were met with an eerie silence that made you very uncomfortable. You pulled the phone from your ear with a confused look and saw that it was unknown number.

All of a sudden you felt a searing pain on the back of your head, causing you to fall to your knees. Another hit came to back of your head, but not enough to knock you out it just made you fall all the way down on your stomach. You brought a shaky hand up to your forehead and widened your eyes when seeing so much blood on your fingertips.

"Well, well, well. Aren't you a little fighter." A voice boomed from behind you, but it sounded really fuzzy and distant. Your eyes felt heavier, and you were consumed with dizziness.

"W-why are you doing this?" You managed the breathless question before you passed out.

Little did you know that this was just the beginning to a very, dark, painful, and long journey for you.


Damon and Bonnie were waiting in the hospital anxiously for the news on Elena. Your twin had a nasty fall in the wedding hall, and now she won't wake up.

After Kai attacked you, he proceeded to ruin Alaric's wedding by killing Jo, her twins, and the rest of the Gemini Coven.

Damon had been looking for you, and couldn't find you anywhere. He only got more worried when he found your phone laying on the ground outside with you nowhere near it.

"Damon calm down, I'm sure Y/N is fine..." Bonnie tried to assure her best friend. Damon turned to her with a ludicrous look in his eye.

"Fine! Bonnie, I found her phone, and not her. I haven't even seen her since she stepped out for that phone call! I knew I should've went with her!" He started to kick chairs and the wall, but a voice interrupted them.

"Hey Bon, Damon. Long time no see."

They both looked horrified when hearing his voice-the master behind all the chaos himself, Kai.

However before he could even get any words out Damon rushed over and pushed him up against the wall. He held him by the collar with his vampire face out,

"What did you do!? Where is Y/N? So help me if you don't tell me I'll rip out your spleen and feed it to you!" However despite the threats spilling from the vampires mouth, Kai just laughed.

"Well as an act of revenge for leaving me in the 1903 prison world, I would punish you all by taking away your favorite person." When all he got were confused looks in return, he sighed and explained it more.

"Your precious twins are fine, they're just in a deep sleep like curse."

Damon growled and rushed forward again, but Kai was quicker and used his powers to keep him in his place.

Bonnie tried a more civil approach however. "Kai, please. Elena and Y/N have nothing to do with this, don't punish them. If you want revenge target me."

"Sorry Bon, no can do. If I were to get revenge on you it wouldn't really be good enough-it be over to soon."

"Just tell us to reverse it you sibling killing, syphon freak!" Damon yelled.

Kai smirked. "Well now that's just the best part isn't it. I can't. I linked the twins to a certain little witches life."

Damon and Bonnie's eyes doubled in size once they realized. "No!"

"Yes!" Kai laughed, "If you want your precious little twins to wake up, just kill Bon Bon over here. And don't try any loophole like turning her into a vampire. I did a little a tinkering with the spells. No loopholes, no ways around it. You get one or the other."

"I swear to god I'm gonna kill you," Damon snarled out from his spot.

"Oh I wouldn't do that if I were you buddy."

"And give me one reason why I shouldn't..."

"Because I'm the only one who knows where Y/N body is..."

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