☯︎ Imagine #2 Damon

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This is part two to the previous imagine.

Fury. That's the only emotion that Damon could process after the words slipped from Kai's lips. All he saw was red, and a cloudiness. Everything was spinning and slightly blurry. He could feel his chest contracting in a sob that he tried his hardest to keep in. With a stuttered breath he questioned,

"Why? Why did you drag them into this? They're innocent."

Kai only smirked and reached his hand up to remove Damon's hand from his collar. "Because I'm powerful enough and I can."

Damon glanced back at Bonnie who possessed a look of devastation. Her best friends were in danger once again, only this time there was no saving them. Unless she sacrificed herself. A gust of air blew through the hospital hallway.

Kai was gone.

Elena Gilbert lay in a coffin, her long brown hair spewed around her head and her hands delicately crossed over her abdomen. Surrounding the coffin were all her friends and loved ones, there to say there last goodbyes while she slept away in a sleeping curse.

Of course tears were shed, sobs were heard. The precious doppelgänger that everyone risked so much for to protect had finally been put down. All their fruitless efforts, and they were defeated. The time had come to close the lid with a heart breaking click, happiness of those around being locked in with it.

Damon stands in the corner of the boarding house with an expression of nothing. He sipped on a glass of bourbon while staring a hole into the wood floor. Stefan shuffled in front of his brother with a conflicted look. He knew how much you meant to Damon, and he didn't want to risk setting him off by mentioning you.

During his time of indecisiveness he heard Damon mumble under his breath. "What?"

"It's unfair." Damon spoke louder and clearer with utter despair. "That freak show of a witch took her from me." Damon took a deep breath. Caroline and Bonnie could hear some of the words he let out and came closer to the brothers.

Stefan mistakenly tried to console Damon. "Y/N didn't deserve to be caught in the crossfire of this Damon, and neither did Elena. But all we can do right now is live our lives happily the way they would want us to and, and I promise brother-we'll get her back."

Damon threw his glass at the wall across from him in a fit of rage. His eyes burned red. "She didn't even get a proper goodbye! She's out there somewhere alone and scared and all she can see is darkness. She's never gonna get closure! She doesn't know what going on Stefan! She probably terrified and...a-and there's nothing I can do this time..." Damon's word dragged off into a shaky whisper by the end.

Caroline and Bonnie shared looks of empathy for the vampire. Stefan pulled his brother in for a hug. He muttered the words into his shoulder.

"We will find her and get her back."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2018 ⏰

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