Chapter two

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There he was, right in front of me. I was absolutely shocked by how beautiful he was. I had seen photos of him and videos and knew he was gorgeous, but witnessing it with your own eyes is a whole other experience.

Took me about 30 seconds before I realized I wasn't moving nor making any sound, so I cheered really loud for him and even louder when he started singing We don't talk anymore.

The crowd sings along to the song and he gets really into it. It's crazy that a year ago I only knew his singles and here I am today, front row at this small show and I know every single lyrics to all of his songs.

"Hello Boston," Charlie says into the microphone after he finishes the first song. The crowd yells in return which makes him smile.

"I am so happy to be here tonight for this small gig just for you all. I hope you'll have a great time and if you know the lyrics, please sing along, this is Dangerously," Only a few people cheer which I'm guessing is because not everyone know this song.

I'm having an absolutely blast singing every lyrics and most people in the crowd aren't singing and it sucks, I wish I could share this moment with people who genuinely know Charlie and know all of his songs.

The next three songs are singles, One Call Away, See you again and Marvin Gaye which makes the crowd live again. It's the best feeling ever to scream the lyrics and just dance like mad. I'm really sweaty but I couldn't care less to be honest.

My love for Charlie has grown so much in the past year and hearing these songs live is just magestic. Going to concerts is my passion. If I could afford it, I would go see a concert every single day.

"I feel like kissing all of you," Charlie laughs after finishing Marvin Gaye and the whole crowd goes nuts including me. He can kiss me any time he wants.

"We'll slow it down a notch with this following song. This might be one of my favorite song that I've ever written, here's Suffer," He says and gets to his piano to start singing.

I sing along very passionately. I know the people next to me are judging me because I can hear them talk to their friends and then laugh, but I couldn't care less. I'm having so much fun and Charlie is so talented it makes me feel like crying.

Everyone claps after the song is done and Charlie gets back to his mic stand to talk to us.

"I only have two songs left and-" He gets cut off by the crowd screaming 'no' in a very dramatic way which makes him laugh. "I know, I know, I wish I could stay here longer, but, the last two songs are some of my favorites. Obviously I'll finish with Attention, but before that, here's Some Type Of Love," He says and I'm the only one who screams really loud.

There's a really big awkward silence that makes me blush like crazy. I guess I got way too excited about my favorite song.

"Someone's excited," Charlie laughs when he gets to the piano and I blush even more. Right now I really wish I was somewhere else. But this is my favorite song by him so, I'm just going to enjoy the crap out of it.

I sing along to the lyrics and when it's the chorus, I play dramatic by putting my hands on my heart, close my eyes and sing like the angels were literally landing on earth to bless us all.

Though when I open my eyes, Charlie is staring straight at me and you can obviously tell he's trying to keep himself from laughing. I keep singing minding my own business and I really get into it and I can't stop smiling because that song really makes me the happiest ever.

People clap as soon as the song ends and Charlie goes backstage which has us a bit confused. He comes back about after a minute apologizing saying he had to take care of something.

"Thank you guys so much for tonight, everyone who enjoyed the show. Your support has always meant so much to me, thank you forever. Here's Attention," Charlie smiles and the crowd absolutely looses it.

Everyone sings so loud and Charlie always stays right in front of where I am which is weird. He usually moves a lot when he sings.

He bends down right in front of me and I take his hand while he sings "What are you doing to me" repeatedly and I expect him to let him go after, but he keeps going while singing straight to me.

He lets go when he takes his breath before going into the chorus again. I'm still in shock of what the fuck just happened. He bent down and help MY hand. He really did that.

Everyone claps and cheers when he finishes the song and he gives a little bow and quickly leaves the stage.

Some song that I don't recognize starts to play as people leave the room.

"Hi, I'm sorry, could you please wait here," This man asks while holding my arm. He's on the other side of the barrier which I find odd.

"Uh, who are you?" I try to make him let go of my arm and I take a bit of distance when he does.

"Please, just wait until people leave and I'll show you," He follows and that sounds so creepy.

"Sorry but besides scaring me, you aren't doing much. I'll be going," I try to leave but he grabs my arm again.

"Look, Charlie wants to meet you, I just need people to leave so I can bring you backstage," He says after bringing me closer so people around us wouldn't hear. My heart truly stops but he is lying. He has to be.

"You're kidding right?" I laugh. "You really want me to believe this?" I laugh even more but the man isn't.

"I'm not being paid enough to handle this bullshit, look if you don't want to meet him, then just go," Damn it. What if it's true.

"If you're lying and you're about to rape me, just know I have the police on speed dial and my best friend knows where I am," I threaten but he just scoffs at me.

"Alright princess,"

We wait until everyone leaves and he finally brings me backstage. We are in front of a room that has 'Artist' written on it and I can feel my heart beating so fast. I feel like I'm about to die of a heart attack. Not that I know what it feels like, but it probably feels like this.

The man knocks at the door and opens it after someone yelled 'come in'.

"I have the girl you asked to meet Mr. Puth," Holy shit, he wasn't fucking lying. That's really Charlie in there.

Charlie fucking Puth asked to meet ME.

"Told you I wasn't lying," The man says to me before he holds the door opened so I can go in.

"Lying about what?" I hear Charlie says when I get in the small room that's decorated with a black leather couch, a coffee table, a small TV and there seems to be a bathroom in the corner where I guess is the place they used to do Charlie's hair and makeup as there are massive mirrors.

"Oh, I just didn't thought he wanted to me go with him to "meet you" and then would rape me, but turns out he was right," I explain with a shaky voice and Charlie bursts out laughing.

"Alright, that's a good one. But no, I really wanted to meet you, hello, by the way. What's your name?" Charlie is still laughing and smiling and it makes me smile too.

"Hi, I'm Camille," I hand out my hand and he shakes it quickly and gestures me to join him on the couch. I am freaking out.


I was writing this and didn't think it'd be this long haha. I hope you enjoyed it. Next chapter will mostly only be Camille and Charlie. I hope you enjoy this. Please vote and comment if you'd like :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2017 ⏰

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