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Uhhh... sorry, what? Heh. You must be talking to somebody else.

..... voice inside my head.

Also, why the celebration? Board games aren't really an option anymore... they're all gone.

Erm... sorry to disappoint you.

Voice inside my head.

“Good move, Night.”

“Holy crap-!” Undernight proceeded to do his stop-start technique (the best way to react to danger), complete with a turnaround, only to get himself close to decapitating Jay.

“Whoa! Hey, HEY!” Jay flung his hands into the air. “Dude, it's fine. It's me!”

“Oh... oh.” Breathing wasn't coming easy to our hero. He thrust himself through a swamp of ragged heaves and wheezes.

Jay didn't seem too freaked out though. He chuckled, and thrust his hands in his pockets. “Heh. You looked like you were gonna summon the Thing on me.”

“I'm sorry, what?”

Undernight froze. He'd recognize that tone from anywhere, even if it didn't sound quite as gentle. Sure enough, Apatite stormed into view, his face a perfect periwinkle hue.

“Undernight!” Apatite smacked out the chop-chop gesture. Undernight wondered if that signified some kind of death sentence. “You did summon the Thing! Literally two seconds ago!”

“I wouldn't say two seconds-”

“No one asked for your opinion, Jay.” Apatite growled.

I-I did? Everything came crashing down at once; a tall skeleton popping into existence with Apatite and the human in tow, hope monkey-climbing up his throat; only to churn up an avalanche when he noticed the outfit, the downbeat demeanor, and when he heard those puns. Granted, good puns, but not good news. Definitely not what he needed.

Then, the tall skeleton snapped. His eye spitting out blue magic, he chucked the human above his head and held them there.

“This is not a joke. Tell me what exactly you want with me, and why you all look like my brother!”

Well, looks like we have the same questions. Happy coincidences!

A fuzzy edge nibbled on the borders of his memories. One moment- his vision became a mirage of tenebrous black. The next- Undernight was scowling down at the kidnapper, his brain estimating just how much power needs to be behind his claw.

A seething groan yanked Undernight back to reality and planted a shudder inside his chest. A flurry of blue marched across his line of sight.

“Perfect.” Apatite slammed his hands together. “Alright, team- what should we do?”

Undernight didn't like the term teamwork right now.

“Anyone? Yes, Jay?”

“It's actually more of a question.”

Apatite's sigh sounded as if it survived years of bird-themed agony. “Fine. What is it?”

Jay cocked an eyebrow. “Why did you bring this guy here?”

“Oh my God... if I keep hearing this question from you-”

“What? Will you ground me to the dungeons?” Jay tapped his foot.

Apatite's gaze flickered downward. “You know I'll never do that to you.”

“Then why did you do it to-”

“Guys!” Undernight interrupted with a series of pants.” Papyrus is not moving.”

This earned him the full attention of both Sanses. Their white pupils flickered to the stationary figure; just a pitiful pile of bones and cloth.

Jay's eyebrow returned to its uprooted position. “He hasn't turned to dust yet.”

Undernight and Apatite should've won a medal at Being-In-Complete-Unison-While-Choking. It's a lot more difficult that it sounds.

“I-I didn't kill him, right!?” Undernight spluttered.

The bird monster raised his shoulders up a notch. “Well... that wasn't what I was sayin'...”

“We have to get him inside-” Apatite halted. “Undernight, are you okay?”

Flashing dots started to celebrate around in a dazzle of light. His legs wobbled, refusing to support him as a huge weight pressed against his skull. Undernight wondered vaguely who installed the bright blue disco ball.

Before the board games could be dragged in, the floor invited itself inside, bringing in a blanket of shadow.


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