Chapter 1

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Dear Readers,  

I just wanna say thank you for choosing to read this. Please also note that while you read this, this story is not completed yet. Almost everyday, I'm adding a chapter to this story. The videos are optional. I don't really put up pictures of characters or scenes unless they're very accurate. But let's be honest people, I'm not an artist so'll if I ever do put up a picture it'll be something off the internet and found later in the story. I'm not spoiling anything of course. But I will of course say that this will be a book series.  This book will be continued to be revised till further notice.

Thank you,

Katie Cole


In a world like Bacia, there is always smog and trash everywhere. There is no animals or any kind of color seen for miles around. It's exactly like a dead, barren world. The poor are ignored and the rich are bragged about. The poor die and the rich live. There is no such thing as magic as many say. There is no such thing as faith they say. Perhaps they were wrong, or maybe they're right, now. You can never tell when magic runs out or can you? It's the same with death, you never know till it happens and you can't always do something about it. That's how most people feel these days, sad and gloomy, lost hope and the Overlord's gold are happy as a flower. But it wasn't always that way, when there was much more magic, a man named Kronos and his wife wished to be gods and became gods. Kronos was a bearded man with eyes like slits that made him look furious all the time. His neck was long and his body was very skinny but muscular, his hands were huge about the size of a human skull that had the capability of crushing it. Kronos was a greedy man that never thought he had enough power in his hands and all he wanted was power. He wouldn't stop at nothing to have all of it even if it meant killing his own sons. Yes, when Kronoses' sons were born, he ate them all except Zeus. And long story short, Zeus fought and defeated Kronos, saving his two brothers, Hades and Poseidon. From right there, Zeus became the ruler of the gods. He used his powers to create humans. They were nothing but peace loving creatures until Zeus had kids. Not all kids destroyed those peace loving creatures, there was only one who did. This was Ares, god of war who of course wanted nothing but war, so he corrupted the humans with hatred, anger, and violence which caused war and death. Ares like Kronos also wanted power, and he still didn't think war was good enough for him. He decided to absorb the magic into his veins and body, so he started drilling magic from the ground into himself causing the world to weaken. It also caused lost hope, lost faith and dreams. With that he found a chance to control them but Zeus pleaded for him not to. But it was too late, Ares was already too powerful unless Zeus used all his magic. Zeus took his chances, using the last of his powers on Ares, sending him far away. Both are missing even though the magic is still draining. Because of this, one thing is for certain, Ares is alive. The gods have looked for Ares for many, many years some don't ever come back and some barely make it alive. Only the most faithful say that someone or something shall save them, but you can never know if they are right or wrong. For who is right at this point, the hopeless or faithful?

In the corner of alley on the street of Shiny Boardwalk, lay a crying little baby in a small little box. It was a baby girl with no parents to be around or heard from, no one. Overlord's golds was walking ignoring the poor baby as if it was nonexistent or just dust. It was raining and everyone was carrying umbrellas except a woman who was rather small. She was a skinny, pale skinned, young lady who was walking with a wooden cane, stopping in the middle of the sidewalk. "Hey, watch it!", a random rich man scolded. The woman ignored him and held her hand up to her ear, trying hear the sound. She turned her head to the side and tilted her body towards the alleyway. "Hmm..", she sounded, curiously. She walked forward towards the box, having no clue what is was in it. She looked inside the box and saw it, a small baby girl. She gasped with her hand over her mouth. The baby stopped crying and looked at the woman. The woman smiled at the baby and said, "Hi little one!" She looked around to see if anyone was around but there was no one around. So she picked the baby, smiling as she said, "Aww." She looked around again, still nothing. She sighed and carried the baby. In another little alley on the street of Monochrome, the lady carried the baby to a old wooden tent-like structure. The lady rested the baby on a blanket then wrapped her in another blanket. She smiled at the sweet little baby. "I wonder what I should call you...", she asked herself. The baby smiled brightly. "How about Fae?", she smiled. Fae giggled. "Fae it is", she smiled. "I'm going to take care of you now, Fae and I promise I won't let anyone hurt you. Aren should be back here soon...", she looked around. "Aren is going to be your father.", she smiled at the Fae. Fae smiled like she knew what the lady was saying. "Yes he is!", the woman squeaked as she tickled Fae's nose as the baby giggled. 

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