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Sweat ran down my forehead as noon approached, and so did chaos. I worked the field, weeding and watering in an endless cycle, until it was time. My pa told me to get to my usual spot in the barn, where the cows were.

I watched through the small crack in the wooden wall as Prince Henry rode onto the property on a horse, his newfound spirit animal perched on his shoulder. It shrieked loudly as they strode farther and father along. Finally, he stopped when he confronted my father on the path. My pa bowed respectfully.

"Greetings, peasant. Let's make this quick, since I have much planned for this afternoon." He paused, talking down to him like a child. "Do you have your weekly quota?" Pa nodded curtly. He walked into the barn, ready to grab the many baskets of potatoes.

"Oh, and where is that daughter of yours?" He yelled from atop his horse. "I do need my entertainment, you know." I tensed.

Everyone in my family knew what entertainment to Henry was. Not a simple cockfight, like many other villagers, no. It meant a beating, usually ending with some visible injury.

My father sighed, and said, "She is... off to the market. I sent her to buy some herbs." He said, putting the potatoes into his saddle pouch.

"Now, Silas," Henry scorned, "we both know you're lying. The market isn't open on Sundays." My father stood there shamefully. "So, let me repeat. Where might your daughter be?"

He pointed to the barn I was in. I awkwardly walked outside, my head low. "Kneel." I instantly did so, not willing to risk my dignity and a more severe beating. He took out his whip, pulled up the back of my dress, and began to flog me. As wave after wave of pain hit me, I gritted my teeth, and he got slower. I guess he was getting tired.

After around an hour in the hot sun, he finally decided to quit. He walked back to his horse. "Oh wait. I forgot to introduce you to Robert." He said, gesturing to the hawk on his shoulder. It's gaze pierced my very being and soul. I shivered, anticipating what was to come. He held out his arm, and in a flash, the raptor furiously attacked.

It scratched and tore at my face, and I screamed in pain. Usually, he avoided blows to the face unless it was just a quick slap, but this was something else. Tears mixed with blood as both ran down my face.

As a final swipe of its fierce claws, it slashed over my eye, and flew back to Henry's shoulder. He paused, and said, "Good day," before riding back along the path to the main road.

I opened my eyes and realized I couldn't see anything well, except for the splotches of red on the right side of my vision.

My pa rushed to me with a bucket of water. He used it to wash my face, letting the bloodied water land on my dress. He gasped at what he saw.

I sniffed. "Is it bad?" I trembled, still silently sobbing. He paused, considering his reply carefully. "Why don't ye see for yourself, lass." He slid the bucket to me. I looked at the water's reflective surface, and had the same reaction my father had. Running a hand across my cheek, I saw a long, tender scar that went through my right eye, above my eyebrow and below my nose. Combine that with my other, smaller scars and scratches, and you've got my face. My right eye had been drained of color.

I was hideous. Hideous, and at most half blind.

Pa helped me up and fixed my dress, leading me back to the house. Mum would need a lot of dressing for this one.


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